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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 212


Chapter 212 The Scheming Man 

Grace came down. Imogen took the car keys and went out

New York City as the provincial capital of J province, was the political and economic center. Tourism developed well. There were several nationally famous scenic spots. Many tourists visited it during the holidays

Imogen drove Grace to two scenic spots in New York City, took a lot of photos, and walked around the scenic spots by the way

Grace was alive and kicking, and bought a lot of souvenirs. She said she would bring them to her grandma and classmates

At noon, Imogen took Grace to eat at a wellknown restaurant near the scenic 


The two chose a seat by the window, where they could see the scenery outside. The seat was a bit high, and Imogen carried Grace up. The girl’s short legs dangling in the air, swinging back and forth

In order to take care of her conveniently, Imogen sat on the same side as her. They discussed and ordered a few dishes

Grace lived in Lyon and was not used to eating pasta. But it was a foreign country, and pasta was as rich as domestic food

During this lunch, Grace finally looked like a child who couldn’t walk when he saw delicious food and ate like a little cat

When she nearly had enough, Imogen took her to the bathroom for a quick wash

The two returned to their seats, and while resting, they leaned together to check the photos taken in the camera

Suddenly, the screen of Imogen’s phone on the table lit up, and a Facebook message came in

She opened it, took a look, and found that it was a message from Erik: [Sister, have you had lunch yet?

Then, he sent another photo, which contained a lunch box: [I have now joined Marshall Group.] The corner of Imogen’s mouth twitched, and she stretched out her hand to rub the center of his eyebrows

She thought, What’s going on with Erik?” 

She thought Erik would give up after knowing she was divorced, but she didn’t expect him to still insist

It may also be that she was thinking too much, Erik might wanted to consult her about the work. He knew her identity and also knew that she was an employee of Marshall Group

Grace kept glancing at Imogen’s phone screen

The little girl recognized many characters. She knew it was a man when she saw the word Erik in the note and couldn’t help being hostile

She thought, He is the one who chased after Aunt! He is the enemy of Uncle.” 

When Imogen was thinking whether to reply or not, Grace who was next to her suddenly made a sound, looked at Imogen with round eyes, and asked innocently, Auntie, who is Erik?” 

Imogen didn’t know why she felt guilty for a second. It’s my friend.” 

She immediately changed the subject. Grace, call me Imogen.” 

Oh! Imogen, does he want to be your husband?” 

Imogen was speechless

She couldn’t help pinching the little girl’s face. It’s not like this. Don’t talk nonsense.” 

She changed the subject. Grace is amazing. You already know so many words.” 

Auntie, are you changing the subject?” 

Imogen was speechless

She thought, It’s so obvious?” 

Imogen turned off the phone, put her fist to her mouth, and coughed lightly, Are you There are desserts on the menu. How about ordering one for you?” 

Yes!Grace’s eyes lit up

still eating

Imogen scanned the QR Code, ordered a dessert, and continued to look at the photos with Grace. She had just put the phone on the table, but suddenly the screen lit up again, and the Facebook message Sounded

She thought, It might be Erik’s message again.” 

She pretended not to hear or see and picked up the camera

Grace asked suspiciously, Auntie, why don’t you read the message?” 

Imogen said casually, It’s not any important message.” 

How do 

you know if you don’t look?” 

Imogen was speechless

She wondered, Why is this little girl so smart? Food can’t even keep her mouth shut!” 

Don’t you want me to see it?Grace pouted, Auntie, don’t think that I don’t understand because I’m a child. I know everything. Erik wants to be your husband” 

Auntie doesn’t mean that. Auntie thinks his message is not important.” 

What if it’s someone else’s message?” 

Imogen was speechless

She still turned on the phone and took a look

It was a message from Erik

[Sister, are you available recently? I would like to treat you to a meal.

Perhaps he was afraid that Imogen would refuse, Erik added, I just started my internship, and I don’t understand many things. You were an employee of Marshall Group. I want to ask advice.” 

you for 

Auntie, he invites you to dinner.” 


Imogen directly turned off the phone

Aren’t you going to reply?” 

I don’t need to reply.” 

I see, Auntie doesn’t like him! I don’t like him either!” 

Why don’t you like him?” 

Grace touched two index fingers against each other, hugged Imogen’s arm and shook it. Because he robbed you of my uncle! Auntie, I like you, and I want you to be my aunt.” 

Grace, you like me. You can call me Imogen just as well. I have divorced your uncle. This is a lifelong event. I have no way to be your aunt again.” 

However, my uncle told me that he loves you so much that he can die for you. You are like air to him. Without you, his life is meaningless. If you are with him, he can give up everything. Auntie, can’t you give my uncle a chance?” 

Hearing these words from Grace’s small mouth, Imogen’s ears were hot. But she also felt strange. She thought, Even if Troy thinks so, will he say this in front of a child? But if he doesn’t say it, could it be that Grace made it up? That is impossible.” 

She got it

This was all intentional by Troy, deliberately saying these things in front of Grace, to get Grace’s favor and support, and let Grace tell her

She thought, Scheming man!” 

Imogen scolded Troy in her heart

Grace, if I wasn’t your aunt, wouldn’t you like me?” 


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