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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 213


Chapter 213 You Don’t Want to See Me 

Imogen was waiting for the food to be served when the phone on the table rang. Troy’s name was on the screen

Auntie, it’s Uncle Troy’s phone number.Grace was sharp enough to see the name

Imogen paused for a moment, picked it up, and answered it, Hello?” 

Are you at home now? I’ll pick Grace up.” 

Imogen took the phone away, looked at Grace next to her, and said, Grace, your uncle is coming to pick you up. Are you going back with me at night? Or are you going back with your uncle after dinner?” 

Grace pretended to think about it and said obediently, You are very tired today. I will go with Uncle after dinner.” 


Okay, then I’ll let him come over.” 

Imogen put the phone to her ear. We are in a restaurant, and the food hasn’t been served yet.” 

She glanced at the time. Come around six thirty.” 

Troy paused for a moment. I’m just near you. I’ll go there now.” 

Without giving Imogen time to refuse, he hung up the phone directly. Imogen was speechless

The grilled fish was served quickly along with other side dishes

This restaurant was famous for its grilled fish, which was quite fresh and tasty

Grace was very satisfied

But she didn’t forget the business and kept paying attention to the entrance of the restaurant. After several minutes, Troy entered the restaurant

Grace’s eyes lit up. She directly waved at Troy. Uncle, over here!” 

Troy looked over from a distance and saw Imogen and Grace sitting together. Both Imogen and Grace were quite pretty. They looked alike and seemed to be the mother and daughter

It would be great if Grace were really their daughter

A smile appeared on Troy’s face, and he walked toward the dining table. He glanced at the fish in the pot. Did 

you just start?” 


Before Imogen could speak, Grace said, Uncle, have you had dinner? Do you want to eat together? The grilled fish is delicious.” 

Troy sat down opposite the two, looked at Imogen, and smiled, I haven’t had dinner yet. Do you mind if I join you?” 

Imogen said indifferently, I do.” 

Auntie, why don’t we let Uncle join us?Grace held Imogen’s hand and shook it gently

Imogen glared at Troy but said nothing

Troy pursed his lips, knowing that Imogen was still angry, so he sat down on his seat, asked the waiter to bring a set of tableware, and ordered some side dishes that Imogen and Grace liked. Grace, where did you go with your aunt today?Troy asked casually

Grace narrated excitedly. Her narration was clear and very logical. She was so smart


A woman at the table next to them didn’t pay attention to them at first but was attracted voice later. She couldn’t help but ask Imogen, Excuse me. May I ask how old your daughter is? She speaks so fluently. My son is in elementary school, but he can’t speak as clearly as this little girl.” 

Grace said with a smile, I am four years old, madam.” 

You’re just four years old!The woman was surprised, and she looked at Grace with admiration in her eyes. Oh, you are a good teacher to educate the children. The little girl is smart and polite. She’s so cute! The girl with such goodlooking parents will be beautiful when she grows up.” 

Imogen smiled and explained, She is not my daughter, but my niece.” 

The woman was stunned when she heard this. I’m sorry. This girl really looks like your husband. I thought it was your daughter.” 

When the woman was talking, she glanced at Troy who was opposite Imogen

Imogen was a little embarrassed and glanced at Troy, too. He is not my husband.” 

Oh, I see. You must be siblings, right? The little girl is his daughter.The woman slapped her forehead, pointed at Troy, and said to Imogen

Grace explained, Madam, he is not my father. He is my uncle.” 

Oh! I’m sorry.The woman turned her head away in embarrassment

Troy removed the fishbone and put the fish into Imogen’s plate. Then he said in a gentle voice, Don’t just talk. Eat.” 

Imogen looked up at him and put down her fork expressionlessly. I’m full. Since you’re here, you can take care of Grace. I’ll go back first.” 

After saying that, she said goodbye to Grace. Grace, I have to go” 

Grace looked disappointed. I’m so reluctant to part with you, and you didn’t even eat fish, so you must not be full.” 

I’m full” 

Since Imogen bought a camera, she must go to scenic spots to take pictures as practice. She had taken Grace to wander around New York City and took pictures along the way

Troy put down his fork directly, frowned, and stared at Imogen. You don’t want to see me, right?You know if I want to see you or not, Mr. Marshall.” 

Troy was speechless

She was getting more and more rude to him now

Imogen, you don’t have to be so aggressive. Sit down and eat.” 

Is it necessary?” 

Troy was choked

He didn’t know what to say

He never knew Imogen was so sharp

Before marriage, she was always very polite to him, and after marriage, she was even more obedient to him

He could feel that in their marriage, even if she didn’t like him, she still wanted to go on 

peacefully with him

Now the child was gone, and they got divorced. She no longer wanted to respect him anymore

Imogen ignored Troy and said to Grace, Grace, goodbye.” 

Auntie, I want to play with you tomorrow, okay?Grace raised her head. Her face was stained with fish meat, and he blinked her big eyes like a little cat

Intellectually, Imogen knew that he shouldn’t have too much contact with Grace because it would make her get entangled with Troy

But emotionally, Imogen really couldn’t refuse Grace

Probably because her child was gone, she was easily touched by children, especially a cute and obedient girl like Grace

Okay, then tomorrow” 

Come and pick up Grace tomorrow. I have something else to do, so I can’t send her,Troy suddenly said coldly


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