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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 214


Chapter 214 Do You Want to Touch Me

Noah: [Let’s talk about the kidnapping case ten years ago. A lot of information on the Internet has been erased. I used technology to restore the news and posts, but there is still not muchrelated information. I only know that the hostage was a college student with an extraordinary family background who was successfully rescued in the end.

He continued: [As for who erased the information, I guess that the family members of the hostage did not want the news to be exposed to the public. In the reports back then, the media did not mention the name of the hostage.

Imogen: [Did they get the ransom? Has the kidnapper been arrested in the end?

Noah answered: [The ransom is not very clear. But the kidnappers have not been arrested. Currently, there are only two wanted information in the system, which is very unreasonable. The identity of the person ganging up with Victor has been found out. His name is Blake Hale, Victor’s countryman, but he is not on the wanted list.

Noah: [Blake moved abroad ten years ago, just the day after your father’s death. According to the comparison of appearances, he is very likely to be one of the kidnappers who escaped back then.] He then added: [I’ll send you the specific information about Blake. Take a look.

Imogen: [Okay, thank you.

Noah sent a file over

Just as Imogen was about to click on it, Noah: [Since Blake has not been listed in the wanted system, even if we know that he is related to Victor, it can’t explain anything.

Blake was never found by the police. No wonder Imogen’s father’s car accident was classified as an ordinary drunkdriving accident

Imogen: [So, the most essential point is still the kidnapping case.] 

If it could be proved that Blake was the kidnapper, everything would be easy to explain according to his relationship with Victor

However, how to prove that Blake was one of the kidnappers back then

Noah: [Yes. But this kidnapping case is not simple. Back then, only two kidnappers were identified, and they both moved abroad. There must have been someone behind them to kill your father.

However, to find out the forces behind them, the identity of the hostage was crucial

Those people spent a lot of money helping the kidnappers avoid arrest and move abroad, putting Victor in jail, and paying civil compensation. If they were found out, they would lose everything. This case was not like a simple kidnapping case that only asked for a ransom, but more like targeting the hostage. Maybe they had a grudge against the hostage

Imogen asked: [Can’t you find out the identity of the hostage?

Noah quickly replied: [1 recovered many posts from that year and looked for newspapers, but there was no answer. After so many years, it is even more difficult to find out.

Imogen: [Alright.

Imogen: [Wait a minute. Let me check Blake’s information first.

Imogen opened the file sent by Noah, which contained all the information about Blake

She looked through it

Suddenly, Imogen stopped, staring at a certain part of the document

Under the section on family relations was the information of Blake’s wife and son

His son was named Erik, twentytwo years old, currently studying at Boston College as a senior student… 


Was it the person she knew

Twentytwo years old, Boston College; a senior student

All of these could match

Imogen recalled carefully and seemed to remember that when she was in Norway, Erik mentioned that his family movedto France when he was twelve years old

Exactly ten years ago

Did Erik know about Blake’s crimes

A thought suddenly popped up in Imogen’s mind

She then logged into her Facebook and opened Erik’s dialog box

The conversation between them still stayed at the one that Erik sent at noon: [Do you have time recently? I would like to treat you to a meal. I just started my internship, and I don’t understand many things. You used to be an employee of the Marshall Group, so I just wanted to ask you something.

Imogen typed a few words: [I’m sorry. I was a little busy this afternoon and didn’t check my phone. I’ll be free the next few days, so let’s find a time.

Her finger hung over the send button for a few seconds and then pressed it

Imogen returned to the dialogue interface with Noah and asked: [Can’t the clue of the kidnapping case go deeper? Can we start with the other two wanted kidnappers?

Noah: [I can only look into it as best I can.

Imogen: [Waiting for your good news.

After Imogen sent it, Erik replied to her

Erik: [It’s okay.

Then he added: [Then let’s meet tomorrow. Is tomorrow noon okay?

Imogen answered: [Yes.

Erik: [Then you should choose a restaurant.

Imogen thought for a while and replied: [Let’s go to Sevice And Food. I’ll book a private room.

Erik sent a happy emoji: [Okay.

Imogen turned off the phone screen, leaned against the back of the sofa exhaustedly, closed her eyes, and rested her mind

Unexpectedly, Erik turned out to be Blake’s son

For a long time, Erik gave Imogen the feeling of simplicity, optimism, and cheerfulness

Maybe he didn’t know about Blake’s crimes

Imogen suddenly felt uneasy when she thought she was going to lie to Erik

But for her father, she must do it firmly

Moreover, Erik might not be innocent. The money he paid for his tuition might have come from Blake’s dirty gains

At nine o’clock in the morning, Imogen set off to Galaxy Villa to pick up Grace

The car stopped at the entrance of the villa, and Imogen honked the horn twice

A few minutes later, still no one came out

Imogen leaned on the back of the chair and wanted to call Sue to ask Grace to come out, but suddenly thought that Troy said that he had something to do today, so he should not be in the villa 


Only Grace and Sue were inside

Imogen put away her phone, unbuckled her seat belt, and got out of the car. She went to the villa. The door of the living room was open, and Imogen walked in, but there was no one there

She walked inside and asked, Grace?” 

No response


Still no response

What happened

Did Sue take Grace out

Imogen called Sue, and Sue answered quickly

Hello, Sue? Aren’t you in the villa? Where’s Grace?” 

MrsMs. Forbes, I’m out shopping now. Are you picking up Grace? She’s upstairs. You just go to 

her directly” 


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