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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 22


Chapter 22: Just a Fun Thing to Do

When Troy glanced up, he noticed Imogen standing at the door

She was silhouetted against the light, making it hard to see her face clearly, but he sensed her gaze fixed on him

Cedric and I bumped into each other in the hallway, so I thought I’d say hi to everyone,Imogen said, smiling as she looked around the room

Troy inquired, Are you here with your friends for dinner?” 


Riley smiled at Imogen and asked, What have you been up to lately?” 

Working on a project for McKesson.” 

Riley was taken aback when he realized the significance of what she just said 

But to others, it seemed like an innocuous remark as someone pointed at Sarah and asked, Isn’t she the spokesperson for McKesson?” 

Imogen walked over to the table and playfully poured herself a cup of tea into an empty wine glass. Today, I’ll offer you tea instead of wine since we ran into each other,she said, smiling. “I’ll treat you to dinner some other time. As your older brother, I raise my glass to you.” 

She emphasized older brotherclearly

Since their marriage, Imogen rarely called him older brotheranymore; instead, she used Troy,a sign of their closeness

Imogen took a sip of tea from the glass

Thank you,” she said

Imogen placed the wine glass down and added, I have some other matters to attend to, so excuse 


Cedric interjected, Imogen, you can’t leave without toasting your sisterinlaw.” 

Riley inwardly cursed Cedric for making such a foolish suggestion, but before he could intervene, some guys at the table playfully flirted with Imogen. Come on. Imogen, your older brother acknowledges her as your sisterinlaw; give her a toast!one of them said. Are you being rude to her?” 

Do you still work together? Have a drink!another said

Imogen closed her eyes and pouted 

How could she have expected Sarah to drink a toast

Or perhaps you’d rather leave,Riley suggested

Cedric chimed in, What’s the matter is Imogen unhappy with her brother’s wife? This is the one Troy calls Madam Marshall.” 

His words were laden with meaning

Sarah, a girl raised by the Marshalls, how dare she mistreat the future Mrs. Marshall

And little does Imogen know that Sarah is her sisterinlaw. Is Mrs. Marshall still revered in their 


Imogen holds a special place in Grandpa Marshall’s heart. Does her behavior reflect his actions


Chapter 22: Just a Fun Thing to Do

All eyes were on Imogen

Sarah smiled softly and said, Imogen doesn’t mean anything by it. Don’t make it difficult for her, Cedric.” 

Troy, Sarah is your girlfriend; say something,Cedric prodded

All attention shifted to Troy

As Imogen gazed at Troy, her hand involuntarily curled up

Their eyes met, and their gazes intertwined

He reached for a wine glass on the table, poured the bottom, and placed it in front of Imogen. Imogen, toast your sisterinlaw,he said

The word sisterinlawfelt like a stab to her heart

In front of so many friends, he asked her, his wife, to raise a toast to Sarah

Does he see her as his wife, or is she just a casual affair to him 

Imogen felt her body stiffen, as though she had fallen into an icy pit. A deep chill engulfed her, and her teeth chattered

Troy lifted his hand, adjusted his tie, and squinted his eyes. “Aren’t you going to? Or do you not recognize your sisterinlaw?” 

The words stung, and a sour taste rose in her throat as the corners of her mouth drooped Troy, you know just how to hurt her

You’re the one thrusting the knife into her heart

Imogen, it’s just a toast to your sisterinlaw,someone else said, adding to her discomfort

Is that so difficult

Sarah is being kind. Should it be that hard to raise a glass to your sisterinlaw?” 

Imogen forced a smile, her face tensing up. She stepped forward, picked up the wine glass from the table, lifted it toward Sarah, and downed it in one gulp

Setting the wine glass down, she turned away without a word. 

Even she didn’t refuse the toast to her sisterinlaw,Cedric said, smiling and shaking his head

She must really think she’s the true lady of the Marshall family. How dare she behave like this in front of Troy?” 

It’s great that she has a place in the company now. Sarah is going to be the face of the Marshalls, yet she doesn’t take it seriously. Troy, are you just going to watch Sarah

get hurt?” 

Sneeze, sneeze,Riley cleared his throat, noticing Troy’s displeased expression. Let’s not discuss this right now,he said

Seeing Troy’s unhappy face, the others assumed he didn’t like Imogen, so they refrained from saying anything further

However, one person, seemingly trying to please Troy and Sarah, suggested, Troy, since Imogen is still single, why don’t you find her a husband? Her husband could make you happy, right?” 

That’s an interesting idea.” 

The person was praised, and they grinned

Suddenly, Troy stood up, and without warning, he kicked the person in the knee


Chapter 22: Just a Fun Thing to Do


person was caught off guard, falling to their knees in pain

Everyone was taken aback

Troy shot the person a cold look and said, Even if Imogen is flawed, she is still part of the Marshall family. Don’t say that again.” 

Yes, yes, I won’t.” 


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