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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 21


Chapter 21: Mixed Feelings 

The driver glanced at Troy through the rearview mirror and then watched him as he gazed out of the window. Isn’t she the madam?he questioned

Who is the man beside her?he inquired further

The man, wearing a cap and a mask, attracted attention as he entered the studio surrounded by a crowd

It seems like that man has a good rapport with the boss

In a hushed tone, the driver informed, Sir, Sarah is not here.” 

Troy merely responded with a thoughtful sound, hmm.” 

The driver was uncertain about what he wanted to say

Troy instructed them to drive the car to the studio’s entrance,the driver relayed

Did she notice them when he pulled up to the studio’s door

Despite his reservations, the driver complied with Troy’s request and drove the car to the studio’s 


Liam raised his chin and inquired, Is that your Troy?” 

When Imogen followed his gaze, she saw a black Cayenne parked at the building’s entrance. The license plate number was the one Troy used

Sarah stood by the car

Troy intentionally got out of the car and had a conversation with Sarah, leaving her unaware of the details. Sarah responded with a joyful smile

Subsequently, Troy turned and opened the car door for Sarah from the other side. As she got in, he moved to the back seat

The driver departed

He went out of his way to pick up Sarah

Imogen’s heart was filled with profound sadness and bitterness

Liam, however, seemed disinterested. Recently, my agency has been working on a play. People Say that Sarah has already been hired to play the female role. The project is being funded by Star Entertainment Investment, a branch of Marshall Group of Companies. Troy has been providing generous financial support to his girlfriend. I heard that Xena originally had McKesson’s backing.Imogen forced a smile, her hands clenched tightly in her sleeves, leaving crescentshaped marks on her palms from her nails

She felt choked up, realizing how much Troy had done for Sarah

Imogen, Liam, you’re both here,Alex said, surprised to see them. Are you also here for an event?” 

Yes, it’s been a while since we met. How about we treat you to something to eat? Would you like to join us?Liam offered

Alex grinned and replied, Absolutely. I wouldn’t miss this chance for a free meal.” 

Let’s head to the car then,Liam suggested

At the restaurant, Alex perused the menu and raised an eyebrow at Liam, asking if he minded Alex ordering something


Chapter 21: Mixed Feelings 

Order whatever you want; I’ll cover the bill,Liam said with a smile

Liam handed Imogen a menu and said, Imogen, feel free to order too. Don’t worry about the expenses

Imogen ordered a few of her favorite dishes from the menu

Liam glanced at her choices and asked, Is that all you’re getting? I remember you liked the durian dessert here. Why not order it?” 

During their conversation, Liam added the durian pie to the order

Alex looked at them and joked, You have an exceptional memory. Do you also remember my favorite dishes?” 

Liam chuckled and replied, I’ll be sure to remember them next time.” 

The food was served in due course

At one point, Liam excused himself to visit the bathroom

As soon as he left, Alex approached Imogen and whispered, Are you two getting close?” 

Imogen shook her head and asked, What are you thinking? How could you assume that we’re in a close relationship?” 

Why? That’s just what my eyes tell me.” 

You’re mistaken.” 

Alex dropped the subject when Imogen showed disinterest and sighed, Imogen, you must have suitors at the company, right? Not a single one? How about I set you up with someone?” 

I’m already seeing someone.” 

People at the company tried to get close to Imogen

And even before that, there was a man who seemed to be following her everywhere she went

Imogen had made up the story of having a boyfriend to avoid trouble

Alex laughed, not buying her explanation. You can lie to others, but not to me. Why don’t you show us your boyfriend if he exists?” 

Imogen looked down and replied, I’m not lying to you. If I get the chance, I’ll introduce you to 


She had planned to tell her friends about her relationship with Troy and the possibility of getting married, but that plan was no longer viable

Seeing Imogen’s behavior, Alex doubted if she actually had a boyfriend

Why hasn’t he ever seen him, even if he is in a different place? Could he be a wellknown person

When Liam returned from the bathroom, Imogen also excused herself to use the restroom

As she walked back, she heard someone calling her name in the hallway

Turning around, she greeted the person with a small smile, Mr. Cedric.” 

It’s really you, Imogen. Are you also dining here? Your older brother is in the private box. Would 

you like to go say hi?Cedric pointed towards the private box

Imogen took a quick glance, recalling what had happened at the studio’s entrance

She spotted Troy but not Sarah

Before she could decide what to do, Cedric was already heading towards the private box



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