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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 43



Chapter 43 Deceiving For Three Years 

The driver focused on driving, and Imogen settled into the back seat, gazing out of the car window in silence. The sounds of the bustling city outside contrasted sharply with the quiet atmosphere inside the car

Troy observed Imogen’s slightly somber expression and asked, Since you used the card I gave you, why did you return the items and buy them again?” 

As messages popped up on his phone, reminding him of the previous refunds, Troy realized that she had repurchased the same products with her own money

Without turning to look at him, Imogen replied, I can spend your money as I wish. It’s none of your business.” 

Troy then inquired, Are you upset because I accompanied Sarah shopping?” 

Imogen responded, You’ve done so much for Sarah. A simple stroll with her is the least of my 


A mocking smile crept across Imogen’s face as she leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes

Curious, Troy probed further, asking what was bothering her

She pondered this question herself, feeling exhausted and hollow as if she had lost all her strength. It was as if a machine had run out of power or a phone had drained its battery and shut down

In the past, she could delude herself into believing that Troy had genuine feelings for her during their three years of marriage. However, now whenever she sees him, Sarah’s words haunt her thoughts

She longs to ask him why he loves Sarah so much and can’t forget her, questioning why he even married her

Suddenly, Troy noticed a blush on the back of Imogen’s hand. Concerned, he asked, What happened to your hand?” 

I got burned while eating,Imogen replied

You should take care of it. Let’s go to the hospital,Troy instructed the driver

Imogen opened her eyes, looking at him with a mix of emotions. She felt sarcastic and withdrew her hand forcefully, saying, No need, it’s not a big problem.” 

In the past, such a caring gesture from him would have melted her heart, but now it only stirs bitterness

Imogen couldn’t help but feel a strange mixture of emotions, wanting to laugh at the impeccable act Troy put on throughout their three years together, deceiving her as if their relationship was genuine

Troy, with a solemn expression, tried to reason with her, saying, Imogen, don’t make light of your health when you’re upset.” 

Her eyes still closed, Imogen retorted, I’m not upset, and I’m not making jokes. I just don’t need your concern. Isn’t that what you want? You don’t need to pretend to be a caring husband to impress me.” 

Troy’s face darkened, and he looked intently at Imogen. Are you serious about this?” 

What’s wrong with me? Do you not understand?she replied, raising an eyebrow. Or do you need 

me to spell out your actions? Do you want me to say it out loud?” 

Troy questioned, What have I done? Why are you accusing me?” 

With a smile, Imogen asked, Do you remember the date of our wedding anniversary?” 

September 20th,Troy responded after a pause

And do 

you know what you’re feeling guilty about?Imogen pressed on

Troy fell silent, unable to answer

Imogen’s smile turned bitter as she said, I just found out that September 20th is Sarah’s birthday. It seems you have a deep affection for her, even though our anniversary is a reminder of her.” 

Her nose tingled with a hint of tears, but she suppressed her emotions and continued, You go on a business trip every July, for at least half a month. What are you doing during that time?” 

The car fell into silence, and even the driver refrained from making a sound

Unable to contain her anger, Imogen suddenly roared, Say something! Explain yourself, why don’t you explain?” 

Troy remained speechless, unable to muster any comforting lies

Feeling guilty, aren’t you? You dare not admit it, right?Imogen questioned, her words deliberate and intense

Why did you choose to marry me if you like her so much? Why not wait for her instead? Why do you treat me so poorly? You don’t even see me as a person!Imogen roared in anger, tears streaming down her face, her whole body trembling

Ever since her father left, she had never cried in front of anyone again. Her heart was tender, burdened with an inferiority complex, and hypersensitive, causing her to build a strong protective shell around herself

Imogen had grown up as an ordinary person, adopted into the Marshall family by a stroke of luck. However, she lived her life in fear, caution, and constant observation. The Marshall family looked down on her, and apart from her grandparents, only Troy occasionally treated her with kindness.. At times, Imogen deluded herself into thinking that even if he didn’t love her, he must still have some feelings for her

But she was wrongwrong

If he truly had any affection for her, he wouldn’t have treated her in such a manner. She wasn’t even worth as much as a stranger to him. He was as indifferent and cold as the rest, but he masked it with politeness, which only further confused her

The car felt empty as if no one was inside. A prolonged silence enveloped them

Finally, Troy took a deep breath, his heart clenching as he looked at Imogen’s tearful expression. He spoke in a deep voice, I’m sorry.” 

Sorry, sorry again,Imogen retorted bitterly, feeling frustrated with his repeated apologies. What else can you say besides apologizing? Troy, I’ve come to realize that your heart is made of stone.Emotions surged within Imogen, leaving her gasping for breath as she reached out to wipe away the tears from her face. I will make it up to you,Troy declared in an attempt to offer some form of reconciliation

Imogen couldn’t help but laugh sarcastically. Compensation again. How do you plan to compensate me? By not divorcing me or by letting me resign and leave? Your socalled compensation won’t give me what I truly want.” 


Chapter 43 Deceiving For Three Years 

Once again, Troy fell silent, unable to offer a satisfactory response

I don’t want to talk to you right now,Imogen said, taking a deep breath to regain her composure

Troy remained speechless, his brows furrowing slightly, his eyes carrying a deep sense of regret


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