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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 44


Chapter 44 Let’s Have a Child 

Chapter 44 Let’s Have a Child 

I want to renegotiate the divorce agreement with you. Come to the study,Troy said calmly

Okay,” Imogen replied

Imogen put the towel back, followed Troy out, closed the door, and walked to the study

In the study, Troy found the electronic version of the original divorce agreement and added a few new contents. He made space in front of the screen for Imogen to see. Come and take a look at the changes I’ve made,he said

Imogen leaned forward and examined the redlined content on the screen

The first new rule stated that both parties would not leave the home after divorce. They were required to continue living together at Midtown Villa even after obtaining the divorce certificate. The second rule demanded that Imogen help Troy conceal their divorce from his parents. If necessary, she had to accompany him as a husband and wife to the old house, pretending to maintain a married appearance until his parents were aware of the divorce

Article 2 stated that both parties were forbidden from discussing their past marriage or divorce outside of their home

Article 3 specified that while living together at Midtown Villa, neither party was allowed to invite other men or women to spend the night there

Another significant change was in the division of property. Initially, Imogen was entitled to 20 million dollars, two villas, and two luxury cars. Now, the agreement had been modified to give her 50 million dollars, along with two villas and two luxury cars

Imogen reviewed each newly added item and expressed her objections. I have concerns about the first item. The agreement states that we have to continue living in Midtown Villa until our grandparents know about the divorce. What if they never find out? Does that mean we’re forced to stay together forever? And you can’t openly be with Sarah. What’s the point of getting divorced


Troy responded, We can add a time constraint to it.” 

Imogen calculated the time and proposed, Within two months of the divorce, we must inform our grandparents about our separation. After that period, we are free to move to another place and live separately.” 

Troy’s eyes darkened as he reluctantly agreed, Okay.” 

Two months later, she would be in a hurry to leave this place. She wondered if she should feel hatred towards him in her heart

Imogen pointed to the property division and said, The original amount is enough. I don’t need any more money.” 

That’s my compensation for breaking my promise to you. I want to make amends,Troy insisted, and Imogen didn’t argue further. She just wanted to finalize the divorce agreement as soon as possible

After confirming the details, Troy reprinted two copies of the divorce agreement

Both of them signed the agreements, each keeping a copy for themselves

Alright,Imogen signed her name without hesitation, holding her copy. If everything is settled

go back to 

my room. Remember to get the divorce certificate on Monday.” 



Okay,” Troy responded calmly. 

As soon as Imogen returned to her room with the divorce agreement, she closed the door and leaned her back against it. In an instant, she felt her strength waning, and she sat down on the floor

Her fingers trembled as she tightly held her heart, feeling suffocated by the pain

For ten years, she had loved him. How could she suddenly claim not to like him anymore

The impending divorce made everything feel irrelevant. The threeyear marriage seemed neither long nor short. Perhaps they weren’t destined to last in this marriage

While emotions still lingered, they chose to part ways early, so that these three years of marriage could be a beautiful memory

Imogen wanted to ensure that when she looked back on this marriage, there would be more than just hatred and resentment

The weight of it all kept her awake, as insomnia took over

three years 

She lay in bed, tossing and turning, as scenes from the past 

flooded her mind. Memories of his gentleness, intelligence, thoughtfulness, romance, passion, wildness, and indifference surfaced one after another

One memory stood out in particular. It was the anniversary celebration of the Marshall Group of Companies. She had drunk a glass of wine handed over by someone, feeling dizzy, and went to rest upstairs at the hotel. In a haze, a muscular guy’s arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. The night that followed was filled with scattered and sensual images, leaving a lasting impression 

in her mind

Grandpa Henry had known about their affair and approached them with a thoughtful solution: to 


married. They didn’t hold a grand wedding but instead had a simple meal with the Marshall family at the old house before getting their marriage certificate. She officially became Troy’s wife, and in her heart, she felt an overwhelming happiness. She had married the man she had loved for years, someone who she could only look up to in admiration

Before marriage, their interactions were limited. When she saw him, all she could manage was to call him Elder Brother.His responses were typically brief, with a simple umor a nod. On a few occasions, he would ask, How are Imogen’s grades now?Though it seemed like a question asked by a distant relative, it filled her heart with sweetness for days

Imogen was determined to impress him and worked hard to improve herself. At first, she simply hoped to catch his attention, but as time passed, she longed to walk proudly by his side

After getting married, she remained cautious, afraid of disappointing him. However, Troy was patient and understanding, gently guiding her on how to be a good wife. They grew closer and their lives became sweeter

Reflecting on those times, she realized that he had subtly expressed his feelings in certain instances

After marriage, he started buying condoms regularly, which made Imogen wonder if he had any intentions of starting a family with her. One year into their marriage, feeling that their life had stabilized, she brought up the idea of having a child. However, his response was rather cold, stating that it was not the right time yet, leaving her confused about when the right time would 

  1. be

In hindsight, Imogen feared that he had never truly considered having a child with her. She believed that in his eyes, only Sarah could give birth to his child. Looking back, she could see that 



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