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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 58


Chapter 58 Entering the Living Room 

Troy brought Sarah to see Henry

He had entered the house with his lover to visit Henry

Imogen’s heart was clouded, as if cold raindrops were pouring down in a storm, making her feel chilled

Why was he treating her like this

When they were being affectionate, he was called away by a phone call from Sarah. He hadn’t sent any messages but brought Sarah to the hospital to see Henry

Where did that leave her, his wife

Imogen stood at the hospital room door, listening quietly to the conversation

Sarah’s voice carried a hint of flattery. Henry and Layla didn’t seem very warm in their response, Thank you for your kind words, Ms. Page.” 

As they spoke, Layla turned the conversation toward Troy. Her tone was tinged with reproach.. Troy, didn’t you go back with Imogen yesterday? Why are you here today alone and with Ms. Page, too? Ms. Page must be very busy with work, and so are you. Why trouble her to come here? What if the media gets wind of this and starts spreading rumors? It would affect Ms. Page’s reputation.Sarah quickly replied, Grandma, I wanted to come myself. I heard Grandpa was hospitalized, and I was very worried, so I asked Troy to bring me.” 

Layla frowned. “Troy, why do you share everything with outsiders? Ms. Page, I’m not talking about you. I just don’t want people trying to take advantage of the situation to find out that Henry is in the hospital, bring gifts, and impose on us here. It would be annoying.” 

Sarah interfered in Troy’s marriage and tried to fool Henry and Layla. Layla had been polite in her 


Sarah’s face turned pale, and she looked at Troy with a hurt expression

Grandma, I’m sorry. I chose to bring Sarah here on my own. If you want to blame someone, blame me,Troy said

He had looked for Sarah the previous night for a long time before finding her

After not seeing him for several days, Sarah had felt very insecure. She had started thinking irrationally, even hurting herself

Troy had no other choice but to show his commitment to Sarah through this gesture to reassure her

Henry’s face darkened, and he suddenly started coughing heavily, clutching his chest

Grandpa,Troy stepped forward with concern

Layla supported Henry. Ms. Page, you’ve visited us. But Henry is not feeling well and can’t entertain guests for long. You should go. Troy, have someone drive Ms. Page home and bring Imogen here.” 

Okay.Troy replied, Sarah, let me take you out.” 

Wait, Ms. Page, you go ahead. I have something to say to Troy,Henry suddenly said

Sarah stopped and looked at Troy

Troy signaled her to go ahead. Grandpa.” 


Chapter 58 Entering the Living Room 

At this, Imogen turned and headed to the restroom

She didn’t want to see them right now

She waited in the restroom for a while, assuming that Troy and Sarah had already left, and then

went out

Unexpectedly, she ran into Sarah at the restroom door

Imogen, so you’ve come to the hospital,Sarah said with a smile. Why aren’t you going into the ward? Why are you hiding here?” 

Of course, I wanted to spare you some embarrassment so that I wouldn’t have to see you being driven out of the room by Grandpa and Grandma, feeling utterly ashamed.” 

Sarah’s smile froze

Imogen looked at her expression, smirked, and walked past her

Imogen,Sarah called out from behind her. Why are you in such a hurry? I have something to say to you.” 

Imogen stopped and turned to look at Sarah. Aside from Troy, I don’t think there’s anything for us to talk about. Or will you list all your memories with Troy in front of me again? Is that all you have left?” 

No, you’re wrong,Sarah said, crossing her arms and a hint of smugness in her eyes. What I have to say concerns you.” 

Imogen raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything

She knew Sarah wouldn’t have anything good to say, so she should have turned and walked away. But her legs felt like they were filled with lead, and she couldn’t move

Sarah walked up slowly, a graceful smile on her face. I heard you had a car accident a few days ago. The person who hit you was my fan. Do you know why they did that?” 

Imogen looked at Sarah calmly

Sarah continued, Because you’re the homewrecker between me and Troy!” 

Imogen laughed. You can only say this to my face. Who’s the homewrecker here? You know it very well. You’re showing off in front of me. Aren’t you afraid I’ll set the record straight in the media and label you the homewrecker?” 

Sarah laughed loudly

What are you laughing at?Imogen asked, puzzled

I’m laughing at how utterly foolish you are. In the eyes of the media and the public, you’re the homewrecker!Sarah responded

Seeing Imogen’s silence, Sarah continued, You’ve been kept in the dark for so long. You wouldn’t be saying such things without checking your Instagram.” 

Imogen’s heart skipped a beat. Her vision had been blurry in the past few days, especially when Tooking at her phone or other electronic devices. She rarely used her phone and hadn’t checked 

her Instagram in days

What had happened in the past few days

Why had no one told her

Was Troy keeping it from her


What? Are you afraid to look?Sarah asked

Imogen’s hands hung down. Her fists clenched, nails digging into her palms, leaving crescentshaped marks


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