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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 59


Chapter 59 The Unloved One Is the Homewrecker 

Imogen’s body stiffened, and she felt a tightness in her chest that made it hard to breathe. A sharp pain seized her like a knife cutting through her heart

She was aware of the problem but didn’t want to think about it

Because Troy deliberately kept it from you,Sarah’s voice was triumphant, as though she were a demon from hell. Did you really think that Troy accidentally took your phone that day? No, it was intentional. He said that you’d surely want to clear your name if you saw the news. So he took your phone and even told Sue not to mention it in front of you

Do you know why no one is helping you clear the matter? Because Troy won’t let them. He personally went to Grandpa and Grandma and suppressed any efforts to clarify the issue. Do you know why he did this? Because he refuses to let me be called the homewrecker. In his heart, I’m his wife, the one he loves most

And you? You’re just someone unimportant to him, someone he can easily push aside to take the blame for me. In his heart, you’re the homewrecker. In love, the one who isn’t loved is the homewrecker.” 

Imogen’s head was buzzing

She couldn’t believe it

Frantically, she opened her phone and found the Facebook app. She scrolled down to the conversation with Charlie

The unfamiliar messages in the chat made her heart sink with coldness

Everything Sarah had said was true

In the chat, Charlie had messaged her on Facebook: [Did you see what’s trending? You and Mr. Marshall were photographed together. If I didn’t know you two aren’t in that kind of relationship, I’d believe it.

Imogen had replied coldly: [Thanks, I know. I’ll handle it.

But Imogen knew very well that she hadn’t sent that reply

She scrolled down further, and similar replies appeared in chats with other friends

There were several call records from that day on the call history page. But Imogen remembered she hadn’t gotten her phone back until after her car accident, so she hadn’t answered any calls. It was all Troy’s doing

He’d been hiding it from her all along

No wonder

No wonder when they went to the Courthouse to get their divorce papers, Troy suddenly mentioned the car accident and apologized

No wonder he always advised her to look at her phone less, saying it was bad for her No wonder he often asked about her eyes

He wasn’t concerned about her


He was just afraid she would see those messages, afraid she would see the news and clear her name, which might affect his beloved Sarah

He loved Sarah so much that he could twist the truth, making Imogen, his wife, take on the label 


of being the homewrecker, being blamed and attacked

After so many days, the matter had settled. Imogen realized it was too late to speak up now, as people would think she felt guilty

Perhaps when he heard about her car accident and that she couldn’t see clearly, Troy felt relieved that he could keep his secret a little longer

Imogen’s hands trembled as she held her phone. A sour taste rose in her throat, and her heart. ached as if being drilled

Imogen had known all along that Troy would do anything for Sarah

But she had underestimated Troy’s coldness

On the one hand, Troy did everything he could to hide the truth from Imogen for Sarah’s sake. On the other hand, he was acting as a loving husband to Imogen, like a profoundly affectionate couple

What was laughable was that Imogen had believed it. She had fallen for it

She really was the biggest fool in the world

Once again, Imogen had been deceived by Troy’s acting, played for a fool by him

Imogen gave a bitter smile. She finally understood that only she had taken Henry’s words. seriously, thinking there was a chance to salvage their marriage

But in Troy’s heart, perhaps he only wanted to put on a show for Henry, to make Henry happy. without ever intending to have a sincere relationship with her

Troy never considered giving up on Sarah

Perhaps once Henry passed away, Troy and Imogen would still only have the option of divorce

If Troy loved Sarah so much, why did he agree to Henry’s request? Why didn’t he just make things clear with Imogen

Imogen wanted Henry to be happy during this time. She promised to act with Troy and not to bother him

Imogen didn’t get her hopes up, so she wouldn’t be disappointed

Seeing Imogen’s reaction, Sarah felt overjoyed. Imogen, you should understand by now that you mean nothing to Troy. I am the one in his heart. Even though he agreed to get along with you for Grandpa’s health, in the end, he will be with me. I know you like him, so cherish these last moments with him. I promise not to fight you for him.” 

Imogen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Are you done? If you are, I will leave.” 

She didn’t want to stay in this place, feeling like a failure and helpless

Wait.Sarah grabbed her hand

Imogen impatiently shook it off


Sarah screamed as she stumbled, almost falling

Troy, who had appeared out of nowhere, quickly supported Sarah. Concerned, he asked, Sarah, are you okay?” 

Seeing the handsome man and beautiful woman in front of her, Imogen felt it was ridiculous

She was so foolish


She knew Troy only loved Sarah, yet she hoped he would change his mind

How foolishly deluded she was

Troy, I’m fine,Sarah said as she steadied herself, speaking softly. It’s not Imogen’s fault. I fell on my own.” 

Troy looked up at Imogen, meeting her cold eyes. He didn’t know why, but he suddenly shivered in his heart. Suppressing his thoughts, he said sternly, Imogen, apologize to Sarah!” 

Troy was so biased

He didn’t ask for any explanation and simply asked Imogen to apologize to Sarah

Imogen’s lips tightened as she stared at Troy. Slowly, she stepped forward


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