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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 62



Chapter 62 Unfounded Rumors 

Netizensbad words couldn’t hurt her, but Troy’s unfaithfulness hurt her deeply

In the promotion of McKesson and other projects at work, she often dealt with the media, so she understood that most netizens simply followed the crowd when making comments

All the things those netizens had known were the things someone else wanted them to know

Some media deliberately guided public opinion in the wrong direction, and Charlene fueled the fire behind the scenes. They wanted to present today’s news in front of the netizens deliberately

They didn’t want netizens to know the truth. Imogen tried to clarify and tell the truth but was stopped by Troy. She couldn’t post a single word on Instagram. All her words would be deleted by the platform within a few seconds

Liam sat with Imogen at the bar for a while

Imogen asked him, Are you not going to work this afternoon?” 

No, I don’t have any work to do this afternoon. If I did, my agent would have been constantly calling me. I have some free time right now, so I can sit here with you for a while. Hey, why don’t you come to my place for dinner tonight? It’s not easy for both of us to have time to eat together.” 

Good idea,Imogen said with a smile, Give me a minute, and I will go to the mall to buy some gifts for your parents. I can’t go to your place emptyhanded.” 

Well, you don’t need to buy anything,Liam replied

I know your parents are warm people, but I can’t go to your place emptyhanded. That would be rude,Imogen insisted

She stood up just as she finished speaking. There was a shopping mall nearby

I will go with you,Liam said

No. You should stay here and wait for me to come back. You are quite conspicuous. People can recognize you despite your many disguises. I am already in the midst of a very public debate, and if you are photographed with me, you will face the consequences,Imogen replied

She didn’t care about the comments on Instagram

She knew that she was just an ordinary person to netizens, and when the buzz was over, most people would not mention this matter again

Only left Sarah’s fans kept bothering Imogen

Well then, you take my car to the shopping mall nearby, and I’ll wait for 


OK,Imogen said

She agreed with Liam’s advice

you in the garage,Liam 

She got into Liam’s car, and he drove her to the underground garage of the nearby shopping mall. After a while, they arrived there. Imogen pushed the car door and got out

Liam added, Don’t buy too many things. One or two gifts is enough to pay your respects to my parents.” 

Imogen waved her hand casually. I see.” 

Imogen arrived at the shopping mall. She went to the counter and picked out two bottles of wine, then went to the jewelry store to choose a beautiful dazzling necklace and bought some other 

things, such as nutritious food

And then she returned to the underground garage and put all the things she bought in the trunk. Imogen clapped her hands and opened the car door, sat beside Liam, and said, Let’s go.” 

Liam drove into a villa

Imogen and Liam got out of the car one after another and took out the gifts from the trunk one by 


Liam invited Imogen got into his home, and then he yelled towards the living room while changing his shoes, Dad and Mom, I’m home, and we have a guest!” 

Who is it?Lora stood up from the sofa, took two steps towards the entrance, saw Imogen behind Liam, and said pleasantly, It’s dear Imogen. Come here and have a seat. It’s most generous of you to send me so many gift! Thank you, Imogen.” 

Not at all. It is my pleasure, Mrs. Lora Thompson,” Imogen said

I’m very happy that you can come to visit me. Just put all these things here. The maid will put them away later. Come here and have a seat,Lora said and stepped forward, held Imogen’s hand, and sat down with her on the sofa

I haven’t seen you for a while. How are you and Mr. Brad Thompson doing?Imogen asked. Don’t worry, Brad and I are in good health. Liam is busy with work and only comes back a few times a year. Brad and I are so happy that you took the time to visit us,Lora answered

I will spend more time with you, Mrs. Lora Thompson,” Imogen said

Liam sat down on the other side of the sofa and watched Lora and Imogen chatting

Lora was getting old and not keen on those unfounded gossips

It was just that her son Liam was a star, so she would also pay attention to the comments on Instagram. If the netizens praised her son, she would be ecstatic, and if the netizens insulted her son, she would feel uncomfortable. Sometimes she even argued with other netizens for the insulting speeches, but she couldn’t win the fight and was ridiculed by other netizens: [You know Liam so well, are you his mother?

So she also saw the news and comments about Imogen on Instagram

Liam had debuted for so many years. From the news about Liam, Lora gradually knew that those unscrupulous media had always made up or wrote ungrounded news out of context

Lora comforted Imogen and told her not to care about that

Lora thought to herself, Imogen and Troy have been together for so many years, and Sarah is actually the hateful woman.” 

Thank you, Mrs. Lora Thompson. Don’t worry. I will live my life peacefully as usual and don’t care about what the netizens scold me, so their bad words can never disturb me,Imogen replied

That’s right. But Imogen, I still wonder why it doesn’t Troy clarify it. Does he know that the news will ruin your reputation?” 

Imogen lowered her lids and smiled. Mrs. Lora Thompson, the media and netizens have already revealed my identity. They know that I am the adopted daughter of the Marshall family and Troy is my brother, but they still deliberately guided public opinion in the wrong direction. It is useless to clarify with them. The best way to deal with this matter is to put the news aside and delete all the topics when they stop discussing this matter, and then everything will be fine.” 

If there was nothing between her and Troy, then this was indeed the best way to deal with it

It’s true. Troy is so busy. How can he care about what netizens think,Lora said and nodded. In the past, there were unfounded rumors about Liam, but he simply ignored all those rumors, and netizens didn’t discuss the matter day by day. Lora was now well aware of the complete situation

Liam interrupted the conversation between Imogen and Lora, By the way, Mom, didn’t you get two amulets before?” 

Oh, yes, I remembered that.Lora suddenly stood up and got to take out an amulet from a drawer and stuffed it into Imogen’s hand. Liam came back last time and said that you are a bit of bad luck recently, so I went to the church and asked for two amulets, one for Liam and another for 

you, and the priest said that these two amulets are only useful if you two always carry them.Imogen was surprised. She was just talking about it to Liam before but didn’t expect Liam to remember her words

She took the amulet and said with a smile, Thank you, Mrs. Lora Thompson. Thank you so much.” 


Not at all!Lora replied

Imogen and Liam chatted with Lora, talking and laughing. 

Soon it was getting dark, and Imogen had dinner with Liam’s family

After dinner, Imogen sat on the sofa for a while, then got up to say goodbye to Lora and Brad. Liam drove Imogen back home

Looking at the street scene outside the car window, Imogen said to Liam, Liam, take me to the Mount West Hospital.” 

Well, why don’t you go home? Why do you go to the hospital?Liam said and turned in another direction of the car

Grandpa is not in good health and is hospitalized. I promised him yesterday that I would go to the hospital to see him today,Imogen replied

OK,Liam said

Liam drove into the Mount West Hospital and stopped in front of the building of the inpatient department


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