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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 61


Chapter 61 He Would Always Just Say Sorry 

Imogen opened the call log and saw dozens of missed calls and a few text messages from Troy. She opened each message one by one. The first one: [Imogen, where are you? I’ll come pick you up.

The second one: [I can explain the news.

The third one: [I’m sorry.

Seeing those words, Imogen smiled. 

He was sorry

He was always sorry

He would always just say that

Though he knew he was sorry for her, he continued to do something to hurt her

The time of the fourth message was much later than the first three: [Imogen, your interview at the hospital entrance got maliciously edited. I’ve already arranged for it to be suppressed. Where are you? I’ll come pick you up. Remember to call me when you see this message.

Imogen searched on Instagram and indeed found news about herself, which was recently posted by several influencer accounts

The media titled this news. The Latest Response From Imogen, Who Had an Affair With Troy.What did she respond

Nothing at all

Influencer accounts and the media were portraying Imogen’s attitude as feeling guilty and unwilling to respond directly. The comments below were full of criticism towards Imogen and discussions about her appearance

Netizen 1: [I’m an onlooker. I don’t understand what men are thinking nowadays. Sarah is so beautiful. Why would he go for a mistress? This woman is far from comparable to Sarah.] 

Netizen 2: [It clearly shows that a man’s infidelity is not because of how attractive that woman is but rather about seeking novelty.

Netizen 3: [As the saying goes, a mistress is better than a wife.

Meanwhile, a batch of videos emerged on major video platforms showing Sarah’s beauty during this period

Among them, the highestviewed video had a title. Troy’s Affair Partner Vs. Troy’s Marriage Partner.There were countless videos like this gaining popularity

Besides, there was also a trending topic with a hashtag: Marshall Group’s official account liked a post.” 

Once clicked, there was a picture posted by someone showing a section on Marshall Group’s official account titled Instagram posts he liked.” 

That Instagram post was an influencer account accusing Imogen of being a mistress

However, checking Marshall Group’s official account now, netizens found the likes had been canceled

But it still sparked speculation

Netizens were discussing, saying it must be concrete evidence. Even the employees from Marshall 



Chapter 61 He Would Always Just Say Sorry 

Group couldn’t stand if and covertly sought justice for Sarah

Imogen knew that Marshall Group’s Instagram account and other platformsofficial accounts were managed by the public relations department

Imogen briefly skimmed through it and then exited Instagram

Just as she was about to switch off her phone again, Troy’s call came in

Imogen quickly declined the call and switched off her phone


put her phone back in her bag and went to a coffee shop, ordering a cup of coffee and sitting on a high stool, eating her hamburger while drinking her coffee

A young man sat next to her at some point. He held a cup of coffee and glanced at Imogen a few times before gathering the courage to speak, Miss, can I add you as a Facebook friend??” 

Imogen froze for a moment, smiled faintly, and shook her head. Sorry.” 

It’s fine. Sorry for bothering you,the young man quickly said, and his ears turned red

After finishing the hamburger and the coffee, Imogen stayed at the coffee shop for a while before leaving

She walked leisurely along the sidewalk by the street

After an unknown amount of time, she saw a clubhouse across the street. On a whim, she crossed. the road and went inside, heading straight to the basement floor

The basement floor held a bar

The bar wasn’t crowded right now, and the lighting was bright

There was a beautiful singer on stage with a soulful voice singing folk songs

Imogen sat at the bar, and the bartender asked, Miss, what can I get for you?” 

Imogen was about to speak but suddenly realized she couldn’t drink alcohol while pregnant. After hesitating for a moment, she said, Give me a glass of Sprite.” 

The bartender was speechless

He had a look on his face as if he was thinking, Are you kidding me?But he still brought Imogen a glass of Sprite. Miss, enjoy your drink.” 

Thank you.” 

Imogen took the glass and found a booth in the corner to sit down, looking at the singer on stage, her thoughts drifting off somewhere


song was about love. The singer’s voice wasn’t outstanding, and her pitch was average. Perhaps because there weren’t many customers at the moment, her singing seemed somewhat lazy

But it caused Imogen’s eyes to well up with tears, and her heart felt a dull ache

All the emotions she had held back for the whole day suddenly burst out at this moment

For ten years, she had watched Troy grow from a naive college student into the powerful CEO of Marshall Group

He was the goal she chased after, the light in her darkest nights, and the only story she had for the past ten years

She crawled out of the darkness, covered in mud, and used all her strength to run toward him

In their three years of marriage, she had devoted herself completely and exhausted all her 

Chapter 61 He Would Always Just Say Sorry 


He tried his best to be a good husband


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