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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 She Was Like a Scumbag 

Chapter 71 She Was Like a Scumbag 

Troy froze on the spot

Imogen,he called

Imogen didn’t respond and just turned over to continue sleeping

Troy thought, Is she playing with me?” 

Before long, the sound of even breathing came from beside him

Troy was speechless

Troy remained lying there, unable to fall asleep

It felt as if he were a naive girl who had been taken advantage of

And Imogen was like a scumbag who had denied knowing her after sex

McKesson’s newlevel clothing had entered its promotional period

Sarah’s advertisements were divided into several different series, which were successively released and appeared on various platforms and social media homepages

Due to the previous incident involving Sarah’s makeup, both the media and netizens were focusing on this endorsement

Imogen also instructed her staff to constantly monitor the situation and use fake accounts if 


In addition to online promotions, the offline McKesson campaign was also in full swing

The LED screens in several large squares in New York City were rolling with Sarah’s endorsements. They could also be seen on subways, bus stops, airports, and other locations. After being extremely busy for several days, when Imogen finally had a moment to catch her breath, she found herself scrolling through Instagram and stopped at the page of the opening ceremony of Cloudwater City, which had been posted three days ago

Ms. Forbes,the assistant rushed in from outside, not even bothering to knock on the door. Ms. Sandy is sick. What should we do?” 

The assistant was referring to Monica Sandy, the spokesperson for the McKesson brand

In three days, they would have a live product launch event, and Monica was always the one on stage to introduce and explain the products in detail

She’s sick? What’s wrong? Is she okay?Imogen asked while putting down her work at hand. Ms. Sandy suddenly had severe abdominal pain this morning and was taken to the hospital. They diagnosed her with acute appendicitis and said she needed surgery. The doctor said she’d have to stay in the hospital for at least three days. I’m afraid” 

Seeing Imogen not saying anything, the assistant repeated anxiously, What should we do? Should we let Mr. Bacon go instead?” 

Josh Bacon was the product manager of McKesson, responsible for coordinating with designers and the factory

Go get Ms. Sandy’s script, and then go handle your other tasks. Don’t worry,Imogen said calmly. Seeing that Imogen wasn’t in a hurry, the assistant also relaxed and handed her the script and sent a digital version

Before leaving, Imogen confirmed with her, Did you contact Ms. Page in advance?” 

I contacted her. Ms. Page will take a leave from the crew and come over,the assistant replied. Alright, you can go back now.” 

September 5th was the date of the McKesson brand’s product launch

Netizens were looking forward to this day, ready to enjoy the show

Netizen 1: [Is it true that Imogen will go on stage herself? Can’t be real, right?

Netizen 2: [As usual. Troy will give the opening speech, and Sarah as the poster, will definitely be there. If Imogen also goes on stage, it will be quite a scene.

Netizen 3: [A showdown is expected.

Since yesterday, information had been circulating online that the McKesson brand spokesperson was sick and the brand director, Imogen, would personally take the stage during the product presentation

Normally, this wouldn’t attract much attention

However, not long ago, Imogen had been in the spotlight, and this time the 

press conference would once again bring together Imogen, Troy, and Sarah, which naturally caused a stir among netizens who were eagerly waiting for the day of the conference to watch the show, especially the interaction between Imogen and Sarah

Imogen, as the brand director, and Sarah, as the poster, according to the already released segments, were highly likely to have interaction at the end

The legitimate wife and the other woman were on the same stage together. It would definitely be exciting

The assistant looked at the trending topic and muttered worriedly, Is this going to be okay?” 

The colleague next to her consoled. It will definitely be fine. Just relax. Ms. Forbes must have her reasons for doing this.” 

Indeed, this little piece of information was spread by a few Instagram accounts contacted by Imogen herself

She was indeed prepared to personally take the stage

Considering Imogen’s recent spotlight, even if it was negative, it would still bring a lot of discussion to McKesson

Combined with the popularity of Troy and Sarah themselves, the event had already made it to the trending topics before it even started. Netizens were eagerly awaiting the day of the launch event

The day before the event, before leaving work, Troy sent a message to Imogen: [Wait for me in the evening, we’ll go home together.

Imogen replied: [Okay.

After work, she stayed in the office for a little longer, sent a Facebook message to Troy, and went to the car to wait for him

Imogen went to the basement first, sat in the back seat, and looked at her phone for a while

After about ten minutes, Troy finally appeared in the underground parking lot

He opened the back door of the car and sat down, saying to the driver in front, Let’s go.” 

The driver started the car, and they drove out of the underground parking lot

I heard that Ms. Sandy is sick,Troy asked Imogen


Yes, she got sick a few days ago and is still in the hospital. I just visited her yesterday,Imogen answered honestly

Troy looked at her. Are you really planning to go on stage by yourself tomorrow?” 

He had seen the trending topic and knew it was Imogen’s doing

Indeed, this marketing campaign could undoubtedly be considered a resounding success

Imogen also looked at him and met his eyes. Can’t I?” 

It’s okay, as long as you’re not afraid.” 

There’s nothing to be afraid of,Imogen sighed

She didn’t like facing the camera and didn’t like being watched, but that didn’t mean she was afraid

Her father had been a journalist and had been able to face countless spectators calmly. She could 

do it too

Don’t worry, I’m here,Troy said and held her hand. He felt like a father bird who worried that the baby bird wouldn’t be able to fly

The live broadcast of the launch event officially started at 3:00 p.m. on September 5th

There were two rehearsals in the morning

Early in the morning, Imogen arrived at the venue, confirmed the process with the staff, checked all the preparations, and made sure the process would adhere strictly to the planned schedule. She also had to consider contingencies in advance

Ms. Forbes, Ms. Page has arrived and is over there,the assistant approached and informed her. Imogen glanced at Sarah standing on the right side of the main entrance and told the assistant, Arrange her rehearsal.” 


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