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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 72


Chapter 72 Her Aim to Disgust Was Fulfilled 

Sarah looked at Imogen with anticipation

Originally, Sarah was disgusting enough for Imogen

But after hearing what Troy said, Imogen felt so nauseated that she almost threw up

Sarah had always been kind. Troy wanted to make amends to her

It was ridiculous

Describing Sarah as kindheartedwas a true desecration of the term

Seeing Imogen’s silence, Sarah continued, Imogen, I knew you blamed meIf you don’t want it, give it to me, and I will throw it away.” 

Saying this, Sarah tried to take the paper bag from Imogen’s hand

It’s fine. I’ll take it. You go for your rehearsal,Imogen replied indifferently

With Troy close by, along with other staff members and surveillance cameras, refusing could easily create a scene

Perhaps the next day, the scene would be posted online, accusing her of bullying Sarah

Sarah smiled happily. Thank you, Imogen.” 

Trøy, I’m going for the rehearsal. Make sure Imogen ate the cake.” 

After saying this, Sarah followed her assistant and left

Imogen casually placed the cake on the table and intended to leave, but Troy called out to her, You’ve been busy for a while. Why not sit down, take a break, and have some cake?” 

Saying this, Troy took the cake box out of the bag, carefully opened it, placed a fork on top, and gave it to Imogen

Troy did listen to Sarah.

Whatever Sarah asked him to do, Tory would do

Don’t you like this?Troy asked when he saw Imogen not eating, Or is it because you’re repelled by Sarah?” 

Imogen took a deep breath and picked up the fork. She took a piece of the cream and put it in her 


For some reason, even though it tasted the same as before, and she used to enjoy it so much, now it made her stomach churn


Imogen covered her mouth and rushed to the trash can by the door, bending over and retching Troy immediately followed and gently patted Imogen’s back, Are you okay? Is your stomach still upset? I saw you in the hospital last time, and you were fine after taking this.” 

Imogen wiped her mouth. Don’t buy this for me anymore. I don’t like it.” 

Why don’t you like it all of a sudden?” 

He remembered she used to love this cake

So did Sarah

After arguing with Sarah, he had given the cake to Imogen, and later saw Imogen buying Black Forest cake a few times. Troy was glad he had given it to the right person

People’s tastes change. I just don’t like it anymore. I have to go now. Please throw the cake away 

for me.” 

It had to be said, Sarah’s aim to disgust was fulfilled

When she returned from the rehearsal, Sarah saw Troy sitting in a certain spot in the audience area and approached him. Troy, did Imogen eat the cake?” 

Troy looked 

up at her

Sarah bit her lip. I knew I was sorry for her. I wanted to make her happy.” 

She doesn’t like it. Don’t give it away. Stay away from her.” 

Troy, are you blaming me too?” 

No, it’s just that I think you should know that she doesn’t like you. If you stay away from her, she will be happier.” 

At 2:50 in the afternoon, the live broadcast room had already started playing a countdown to warm up, and the heat was rising rapidly

At three o’clock, the press conference officially began

The LED screen began to play the opening promotional video

The camera swept across the entire venue. The venue for the press conference was not large, yet it exuded simplicity and elegance. The front seats were occupied by guests, and the back by the media, with not many outsiders

After the opening video, the host took the stage to announce the official start of the press conference and introduced all the guests

Each guest whose name was read by the host was given a camera shot

The first two were official figures from New York City

The third was Troy, the president of Marshall Group

The camera cut to Troy, who was intently watching the stage. With his handsome face and sharp profile, dressed in a suit and polished shoes, he exuded an elite and capable aura that caught the attention of numerous netizens

The official live broadcast rooms of various platforms were flooded with comments

Some said: [I have to admit, Troy is really handsome.

Others said: [Scumbag.

After Troy, several senior executives from Marshall Group were introduced, followed by Imogen 

The most widely circulated video of Imogen on the Internet was the one where she was interviewed by the media near the hospital

The camera was unflattering, and Imogen looked unwell at the time. What’s more, the video was so blurry that it was used as a negative comparison to Sarah’s beauty videos

But this time, Imogen was officially facing the media

Imogen would be introducing the products as the brand spokesperson and interacting with the guests. She had been specially styled and made up. Under the camera, Imogen looked calm and composed

From the moment Imogen appeared, the comments became chaotic. Some praised her, some criticized her, some started arguing on the public screen, and some fans were puzzled as to why 

Imogen was ranked ahead of Sarah

The heat of the press conference continued to rise, with comments kept rolling

The chaotic comments continued until the camera focused on Sarah, and a flood of supportive comments took over

The first two segments were speeches delivered by the first official representative and Troy

After the official representative finished speaking, the host took the stage. Now, let’s welcome Mr. Marshall, the president of Marshall Group, to deliver his speech.” 

The camera cut to Troy. He adjusted his collar, stood up, and walked straight to the stage in his suit and shoes. Troy took the microphone from the host and spoke out of script

Hello, everyone. I am Troy. I am delighted to be here with all of you to witness the birth of the autumn and winter new products of McKesson, a brand under Marshall Group. On behalf of all our employees” 

He spoke calmly and confidently, the spotlight shining on him, making him look like a natural leader, capturing everyone’s attention


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