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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 75


Chapter 75 Whitewashed 

Could it cause the socalled illness of Sarah

I can’t forget it. I can’t forget it.” 

Sarah cried heartbreakingly. As soon as I close my eyes, I see the scene at that time. I will never forget. I called your name and hoped you could come to save me” 

Troy didn’t speak

Imogen stood at the corner and didn’t go out

Bang.The crying was blocked by the car door

Imogen took inside her hanging hands slightly and looked out sideways. The black Porsche Cayenne drove out of the underground garage

Imogen glanced at the phone screen and sighed leisurely, feeling the case had been settled in her mind

Imogen knew Troy would compromise with Sarah long before

Imogen didn’t expect much from Troy, so she didn’t feel disappointed in her heart. But she felt lost and melancholy

And Imogen felt it all went as she predicted

She loved him but dared not expect him for anything

Imogen took the elevator back to the first floor, went out, and took a taxi home

On the way, Troy’s message came in: [I’m sorry, Imogen. I had something to do, so I left.

Imogen: [Well, I’ll take a taxi home.

Troy: [I will go home tonight. Wait for me for dinner.

Imogen: [Okay.

Imogen responded to have dinner with Troy in the message but didn’t take it seriously

She thought, Troy has been called away by Sarah many times, and which time did he not come back after staying out all night

He could come back before dinner when pigs fly

It only proves that Sarah’s skill didn’t increase but decreased.” 

Imogen was tired after a few days of work, so she went upstairs to take a bath when she got home

While taking a bath, she browsed Instagram and other platforms on her phone. Quite a few people were discussing the press conference

The most discussed ones were Troy and Sarah

The netizens almost proved that Troy and Sarah were in love

Passersby, haters, fans of Troy, fans of Sarah, and fans who wanted them to be together all 

gathered. Many netizens even fought under some posts and videos

But after the press conference, Imogen was whitewashed

After that, Imogen’s identity was found again

Enthusiastic netizens found out Imogen’s father was Ignacio Forbes, the wellknown reporter back then


Chapter 75 Whitewashed 

It had been ten years since Ignacio passed away. And young people were not familiar with him

But when it came to the case of food additives, everyone thought of him

Over ten years ago, when the Internet media was not yet developed, the report on the case of food additives was read over 100 million times, and newspapers reprinted it again and again

The person in charge of the food brand involved in the case went to jail and was sentenced to life imprisonment

Before this, Ignacio had also reported on other controversial cases, but in the eyes of his peers, it 

was in vain

After the case of food additives, Ignacio entered the public’s vision, and his previous work was also found. He was praised by the people for a while

When Ignacio died in a car accident, everyone felt sorry for him. The memorial service was overcrowded and was reported by the media

Ten more years later, there was not much news from that year, and only a few blurred photos from the memorial service can be found

Ignacio’s daughter, who was in high school then, cried bitterly. But after the heat, no one paid 


However, some media mentioned that Ignacio’s daughter was adopted and would continue her studies

It turned out that Imogen was Ignacio’s daughter, who was adopted by the Marshall family after 

her father died

With such a respected father, Imogen’s reputation naturally improved

In addition, after the press conference, people generally believed the news that Imogen was the other woman was a rumor spread by the media

Otherwise, how could the three of them stand on the same stage so calmly

Sarah’s speech on the stage sounded like she had known Imogen for a long time, and her tone sounded like she regarded Imogen as a sister

How could someone talk to the other woman in this tone

However, Sarah’s fans were still haunting Imogen

Sarah’s dress was stepped on when they took the group photo, and she almost fell

But the program director took this in the camera. Sarah glanced at Imogen after being held by Troy and kept to her feet

Netizens couldn’t see who stepped on the skirt, but Sarah could see clearly

So, because of this glance, the fans blamed Imogen for stepping on the skirt

There were many new comments on linogen’s Instagram that were posted today. Fortunately, her private messages have been closed. Otherwise, it would go crazy again today

But these comments didn’t affect her. Instagram glanced casually, closed Instagram, and put down her phone

Whether it was praise or scolding, it would increase her influence

There was a knock on the door. Mrs. Marshall, dinner is ready.” 

Okay, I get it.” 


Chapter Chitewashed 

Imogen responded, came out of the bathtub, put on home clothes, and went downstairs to eat

Mrs. Marshall, will Mr. Marshall come back tonight? Do we need to keep some food for him?” 

Imogen said, He may not come back, so don’t keep it for him.” 


Imogen went upstairs after dinner, and Sue went to wash the dishes

After finishing cleaning, Sue came out of the kitchen and saw Troy coming back

He loosened his collar and asked Sue, Is it time for dinner?” 

Sue froze. Sir, you are back? Mrs. Marshall said that you would not come back tonight, so we didn’t keep food for you, and the dishes have been washedI’ll go and make you some” 

Troy was speechless

Okay.Troy’s eyes darkened, and he went straight upstairs to the master bedroom

Imogen didn’t work overtime today and went to bed early to play with her mobile phone


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