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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 76


Chapter 76 Never Be Afraid 

You did a good job in today’s press briefing. You are deadly good!” 

Troy praised Imogen, gritting his teeth a little

Obviously, Troy was blaming Imogen

Sitting up straight and looking at Troy, Imogen explained earnestly, Sorry, I did it for the sake of McKesson. Since we have a strong fan base, why don’t we use it to hype up products of McKesson?” 

Anything else?Troy questioned

I shouldn’t have arranged those interactive games for you. You are different from those internet celebrities.” 

Besides?Troy closely questioned


What else

Imogen failed to recall others

She blinked and looked at Troy without speaking

Troy laughed angrily. Why did you arrange an interactive game between me and Sarah?” 

Don’t you like it?” 

Troy turned gloomy and thought, Is it about whether I like it?” 

Imogen said truthfully, You have quite a lot of couple fans. Giving them some benefits can enhance your popularity.” 

Troy couldn’t help laughing and pursed his lips, not knowing what to say

Imogen was really good at making use of everything to make excuses

Seeing Troy keeping silent, Imogen said confidently instead, The press briefing is very popular today, and I am very confident about the vision after the products are released. I don’t think you should blame me for this matter, Mr. Marshall.” 

Are you still reasonable?Troy said

I’m doing this for the sake of our company,Imogen said

Aren’t you afraid of being insulted?Troy continued

Not a bit. I have never been afraid.Imogen replied

You are not expected to commit the same mistake next time,Troy said

Imogen smiled at Troy Thank you, Mr. Marshall.” 

Troy went downstairs to have dinner and returned to his bedroom for a shower 

After a while, he finished showering in the bathroom and came out with a bathrobe. He simply dried his hair and went to bed from the other side 

Seeing Imogen browsing her phone. Troy leaned over there, resting his head on Imogen’s shoulder. What are you looking at?” 

Nothing. I just browsed something casually.Imogen immediately turned off her phone 

She was just using her other account to browse Celebrity Insider 

The video about the interaction between Troy and Sarah at the press conference had been cut out 


Chapter 76 Never Be Afraid

and put into Celebrity Insider

Seeing Imogen’s guilty expression, Troy narrowed his eyes. If it’s nothing, why did you turn off the phone?” 

Feeling Troy’s warm breath, Imogen couldn’t help shrinking her neck and stretched out her hand to nudge Troy. Don’t get so close to me.” 

Troy took the phone from Imogen’s hand, and Imogen immediately lunged for the phone. Stop!Troy knew Imogen’s password

As long as Troy entered the password, he would discover that Imogen was browsing Celebrity Insider about him and Sarah

Imogen would prevent Troy from discovering it

Troy stretched out and raised his hand. For his arms and legs were long, Imogen couldn’t reach her phone, so Imogen could only pull Troy’s arm with great effort

After finally pulling Troy’s arm down, the phone was held in Troy’s other hand

Imogen did in vain. She got quite angry. Give me back the phone!” 

Seeing Imogen blushing anxiously, Troy couldn’t help laughing

Then looking down, Troy saw that Imogen’s clothes were messy, and a large area of her fair skin was exposed when Imogen snatched the phone

Troy swallowed his saliva and leaned towards Imogen to lightly bit Imogen’s ear. Do you want to have sex with me tonight?” 

In the past few days, they shared the same bed as before. But recently Imogen got tired after her busy work, so she fell asleep soon on the bed and was in the mood to do nothing

However, the press briefing had been over, so Imogen could finally be available

Imogen shook her head and pushed Troy away. No. I’m very tired today and want to rest early.You don’t need to move.” 

That’s not acceptable.” 

How about I make you relax?” 

Imogen stopped talking, but Troy knew that she had consented

This woman just wanted to enjoy herself

After it was over, Imogen lay on the bed, not wanting to move, and Troy cleaned her up

Imogen closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep

In a halfdreamed state, Imogen was awakened by a phone bell

As the bell rang for a few seconds before someone picked it up, Imogen thought she was still in a dream

Then there were sparse sounds from Imogen’s side, and Imogen heard the door open and close. Imogen opened her eyes suddenly. The room was dark, and Imogen looked at her side in the moonlight. Nobody was here

It turned out that it wasn’t a dream just now. Someone called Troy by phone

Not long after, as the doorknob was pushed down lightly, Troy walked in lightly. He glanced at Imogen, who was sleeping soundly, and quietly went to the cloakroom to get dressed


Chapter 76 Never Be Afraid 

After getting dressed, he gently left the room again

As the door of the room closed, the silence returned

Long before, the sound of a car engine came from downstairs

Imogen opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling in the darkness

She had a hunch in her heart that the phone call answered by Troy was from Sarah. Imogen actually wanted to ask Troy but dared not

She was a coward and didn’t want to make herself humble anymore

Even if she asked Troy to stay with her, Troy would refuse her

Imogen closed her eyes, no longer feeling sleepy, tossing and turning

When it was almost dawn, the sound of the engine came from downstairs again

After a while, the door was opened. Troy took off his coat and fell asleep beside Imogen as if he had never been out before

Imogen pretended to fall asleep as if she didn’t know Troy had been out

At half past six in the morning, Troy got up on time and went downstairs for a run

After Troy left, Imogen slowly opened her clear eyes, which were bloodshot, and she didn’t seem 

to rest well

She lay on the bed for a while and didn’t get up to wash up until it was almost seven o’clock

When she dressed herself and went downstairs, Troy, sitting on the sofa, was already waiting for her to have breakfast together

Since you get up, let’s eat.Putting down the newspaper, Troy stood up and looked at Imogen’s complexion. Didn’t you have a good rest last night?” 

Imogen said ambiguously, I’ve been too tired these days.” 

Troy remained silent

When Imogen arrived at the company, Jack from the secretarial department suddenly invited Imogen to join a chat group on Facebook

The name of the chat group on Facebook was Warm Spring Resort

An announcement in the chat group read: [Considering that employees worked hard, from the departments from McKesson, McFesson and McEsson, and others, Mr. Marshall decided to invite you to the warm spring resort in the suburb for a twoday vacation, and he will pay all the expenses.

McKesson, McFesson, and McEsson were all subbrands of Marshall Group. McFesson was a brand about makeup, and McEsson was a brand about skincare. They belonged to the same series, in which the relationship between department employees had always been harmonious


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