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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 83


Chapter 83 Don’t Make Any Noise 

Liam looked indulgently at Imogen and said, Imogen was my neighbor when we were kids, and she used to cry a lot.” 

Childhood friends? That’s quite a fortunate connection. Let me know if you two have good news.” 

Don’t be joking, Mr. Jones. Imogen and I are just friends,Liam said

He understood the situation. Imogen had a boyfriend now

I get it. Young people like to label each other as friends,the deputy director chimed in

Troy looked up with a frown, and his gaze shifted coolly between Liam and Imogen

He had already warned her that she and Liam were not a suitable match

But Imogen hadn’t seemed to pay attention. Did she really like Liam that much

Troy? Troy!” 

Hmm? What did you say?Troy snapped back to attention, looking at Sarah

Sarah’s eyes darkened. She leaned close to Troy, whispering, Have you noticed that Imogen and Liam seem very compatible? If you divorce Imogen, it would be good if she could be with Liam.” 

Troy shook his head. No. They’re not suitable.” 

How do you know they’re not suitable?” 

I’ve looked into their work and personalities.” 

As Troy and Sarah engaged in their hushed conversation, Imogen felt a twinge of bitterness and lowered her gaze

The waiters began bringing out dishes one after another, quickly filling the table

Everyone dug in without hesitation

Liam offered Imogen Crabcake R�moulade and said, Try this first.” 

Thank you.” 

Imogen took a bite, savoring its texture and unique fragrance. It’s good.” 

After finishing the Crabcake R◆◆moulade, Imogen started sampling other dishes

Liam was considerate, occasionally picking up food for Imogen

When Troy saw their interaction, his expression grew darker

Troy, could you help me with that dish over there? I can’t reach it,” Sarah said, a hint of hatred flashed across her eyes

This was the second time she noticed Troy becoming distracted


Troy picked up the dish for Sarah and said, Let me know if you need more.” 

He focused on Sarah, refilling her plate when it was almost empty

Watching his attentiveness, Imogen couldn’t help but chuckle self deprecatingly

Midway through the meal, Imogen stood up, saying she needed to use the restroom. The men’s and women’s restrooms were connected, with a shared drywet separation handwashing area outside

After leaving the restroom stall, Imogen washed her hands and refined her makeup in front of the 



Troy entered from outside. Noticing Imogen refining her makeup, he stood behind her, extending his arms to rest on the sink, effectively trapping her in his embrace

Imogen was startled. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, she asked, What are you doing?” 

I have something to tell you.” 

Imogen wasn’t in the mood to hear him out right now. She put her cosmetics back into her bag and turned to leave. I’m going backHmm” 

However, before she could finish, Troy locked her lips with his. His strong hands wrapped around her waist, pressing her against the sink as their lips and tongues intertwined

Troy had come here to see Sarah

Yet, his gaze had been inexplicably drawn to Imogen

Seeing her being close to Liam, he felt uncomfortable, like thousands of ants crawling in his heart

Troy probably felt uncomfortable because Imogen didn’t care after he reminded her that she and Liam weren’t suitable for each other

Imogen pressed her hands against Troy’s chest, trying to push him away. HmmStop. I should go back now.” 

Troy frowned, tightening his arms even more. He pressed one hand against her head, delving his tongue deeper into her mouth

Imogen’s lips were swollen, and she was struggling to catch her breath. Finally, Troy released her

Imogen glared at him. She glanced at her lips in the mirror. They looked visibly different from before

Troy smiled and embraced Imogen from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder. He looked at her in the mirror and lightly touched her lips with his fingers. You look good this way.” 

Let go of me. I want to go back.” 

Go back? Go back to being all loveydovey with Liam? Imogen, I warned you before. You two aren’t suitable for each other” 

Imogen frowned. She wasn’t loveydovey with Liam

Don’t talk about Liam and me. What about you and Sarah?” 

It’s different.” 

Imogen sneered, What’s so different? Aren’t you here to visit Sarah?” 

I knew you were here.” 

Sue told Troy that Imogen had come to visit Liam on the set

He had intended to come and take Imogen back. Sarah’s call had just given him an excuse

Troy held Imogen’s jaw, tilting her head half a turn, and locked her lips again

His other hand traced along her body, caressing her

Imogen’s body grew weak, and she couldn’t help leaning against his chest

Troy suddenly touched dampness

He let go of Imogen’s lips, holding her and leading her into the restroom, finding an empty stall to 


step into. Let me please you.” 

NoWe can’tImogen blushed

This was absurd

How could they do this in a place like a restroom

Troy sensed Imogen’s worry and gave a faint smile. Just don’t make any noise.” 

He pressed her against the stall door. With his hot breath cascading onto her neck, he explored 

her body with his fingers

ButPeople are waiting in the private roomfor us” 

Just let them wait.” 

Imogen fell silent, closed her eyes, bit her lip, and restrained herself from moaning

That moment arrived

AhShe involuntarily moaned, shuddering throughout her body

Alright. We can go now.Troy finally released Imogen

However, Imogen remained leaning against the stall door. Her legs were slightly weak. She braced 

herself against the door to steady herself as she emerged from the stall

Troy was washing his hands, meticulously cleaning them, while stealing glances at Imogen

Imogen blushed again in embarrassment

She quickly left the restroom and returned to the private room, taking a seat

Liam asked in confusion, Why did you take so long?” 

I wasn’t feeling well.Imogen had to lie

Not feeling well? Should we go to the hospital?” 

No. Just an old trouble.” 

Sarah closed her eyes, recalling what she had witnessed earlier when she went to find Troy. She wished she could skin Imogen alive

But she had to endure


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