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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 84


Chapter 84 Wedding Anniversary 

Troy paused after hearing what Sarah said

The scene of Imogen confronting him with redrimmed eyes came to his mind

She said, You must have deep feelings for her. You even used our anniversary to remember her. Since you like her so much, why didn’t you wait for her? Why did you choose to marry me? I’m not the only option for you. Why do you humiliate me like this?” 

I have something to do on that day. We can celebrate earlier or postpone it. You can choose a day,Troy said calmly, loosening his collar

Sarah felt upset

It was apparent what Troy was going to do on that day

She forced a smile, mustering a playful tone as she linked her arm through his, pretending not to know. What is it? Can’t you reschedule? It’s been a long time since you celebrated my birthday.Sorry.” 

Troy, this is my first birthday after returning to the country. I want to celebrate it with 


Be good,Troy said in a deep voice

Sarah couldn’t force a smile anymore

As she sat in the car, her expression grew incredibly gloomy

She had felt something was wrong these days

Troy was starting to show favoritism towards Imogen

If it weren’t for Troy’s grandpa, Troy would have divorced long ago… 

Liam, Kevin, and the deputy director also got into the car and drove away

Watching the car leave, Troy turned to Imogen. Let’s go home.” 

After getting into the car, Troy moved closer to Imogen, reaching out to wrap his arm around her waist and pressing up against her

The scent of expensive perfume wafted over, making Imogen’s stomach churn, nearly causing her 

to vomit

Stay a bit farther from me,she said. Her face turned pale as she managed to break free from Troy’s embrace

What’s wrong?Troy frowned slightly. When he noticed Imogen’s distressed expression, his expression darkened

I’m fine. I just overate a bit. Let me lean on the side for a while,Imogen said, moving away from him

Troy’s eyes dimmed slightly, but he didn’t say anything

The weekend passed quickly, and a new work week began

September 20th arrived swiftly

It wasn’t a weekend, but a Tuesday

A regular workday

Before leaving the office that evening, Troy sent a message to Imogen: [Wait for me in the garage after work. We’re going out for dinner tonight.



After work, Imogen headed to the underground parking garage and found Troy’s car. She sat in the passenger seat, waiting for him

As she lowered her gaze, she noticed a small square box in the console meant for holding a ring

Imogen opened it and saw a finely designed ring inside

Could it be an anniversary gift from Troy?She thought

Imogen placed the ring back in the box

Troy opened the car door and got in. You’ve been waiting for a while, haven’t you? Let’s go.” 

He started the car and drove out of the parking garage

Where are we going for dinner?” 

Nacre Restaurant. I’ve already reserved a table.” 

Sounds good.The car stopped at the entrance of Nacre Restaurant. A valet approached to assist 

Troy with parking, and then they entered the restaurant hand in hand

Following the guidance of a waiter, they were led to their reserved private room

When the door to the private room opened, Imogen paused in surprise

The room was beautifully decorated. The dim, romantic lighting, swaying candles, a large bouquet of red roses on the table, and heartshaped pillows on the sofa all contributed to an atmosphere of romance


Congratulations to both of you on your third wedding anniversary. May you live a happy life together. Mr. Marshall arranged this candlelit dinner. Please enjoy your evening,the waiter said before leaving

Troy stepped forward and picked up the bouquet of red roses from the table. He stood in front of Imogen and handed her the flowers. Honey, happy third anniversary.” 

Troy’s welldefined features were sculpted like a masterpiece in the dim candlelight. His full eyebrows cast sharp shadows over his eye sockets while his eyes held a gentle warmth

Holding the bouquet, Imogen felt emotion as he addressed her as honey

He had never called her that before. It was a term both unfamiliar and yet oddly intimate for her

Please, have a seat.Troy approached and pulled out the chair next to the dining table for Imogen. He took the bouquet from Imogen’s hands and motioned for her to sit down

The dishes on the table were meticulously prepared by the restaurant as well

Imogen smiled and asked, When did you book this restaurant?” 

“A week ago

How do you feel about this place?” 

It’s nice.” 

I have another gift for you.” 

Troy picked up a box from among the flowers on the table and placed it in front of Imogen. Open 

it and see if you like it.” 

It was an exquisite, square box about the length of a hand

Given its size, it might be a bracelet


Well, I’ll open it then.Imogen cautiously opened the box

A translucent, fluorescent bracelet appeared before her 

When Imogen saw it, she froze


This bracelet bore a striking resemblance to the Ocean Heart she had seen at the auction

But it wasn’t the Ocean Heart. Troy wouldn’t have taken the bracelet from Sarah and given it to her again

Seeing Imogen’s pause, Troy explained, You mentioned that the material of Ocean Heart must be quite large last time, enough for more than one bracelet. So, I had someone keep an eye on it, and it turned out to be true. This is the second bracelet I bought from the owner.” 

Thank you. That’s thoughtful of you.Imogen closed the box and set it aside

Aren’t you going to try it on?” 

I’ll try it on later,Imogen replied

Perhaps Troy had paid a considerable price to purchase this bracelet, but Imogen didn’t feel much joy in her heart

Right from the start, Troy had been focusing his efforts in the wrong direction

She didn’t want a bracelet that resembled the Ocean Heart

The Ocean Heart wasn’t hers. She didn’t want a substitute

But maybe this was her fate. She was always coming after Sarah

She could only have things after Sarah had them

Imogen thought about the delicate ring in the car

If it wasn’t meant for her, it must be intended as a birthday gift for Sarah

In other words, Troy would meet Sarah after having the candlelit dinner with Imogen

He was such a master of time management

Imogen tentatively asked, I saw a delicate and beautiful ring in your car earlier and liked it. Can you give it to me?” 

It had been three years since they married, yet they didn’t have wedding rings

Imogen had bought a pair of rings before, secretly wearing them to the office. But Troy didn’t wear 

his. He had said that wearing identical rings would easily draw attention

Naively, she had suggested, No one will notice as long as only one of us wears it.” 

She took off her ring, but he still didn’t wear his

He just didn’t want to

Later, one of the rings from that pair got lost, and the remaining one was left untouched in


That ring was custommade. If you like it, we can have the designer create a new one for you,Troy said

Why can’t you give me that one and have the designer create a new one for someone else?Troy chuckled in surprise, Imogen, what are you talking about?” 


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