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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 96


Chapter 96 Publicity 

Imogen could tell that Troy was referring to Sarah

Troy turned and saw Imogen coming down the stairs with a pile of laundry in her hands. He said, Just leave them in the room and give it to Sue.” 

It’s nothing,Imogen said and carried the dirty clothes to the laundry room on the first floor

Sue was back with the ingredients for pasta

Leave it to me,Troy asked and took things over

Sue assumed that Troy asked to cook to please Imogen, so she didn’t insist on doing her job and left the kitchen to Troy for him to show off

Troy went into the kitchen and got an apron on himself when he came out

Imogen sat on the sofa and couldn’t help but take a few more glances

He was still wearing his suit pants and only took off his coat when they returned. He wore a gray shirt with two buttons casually untied at the neckline, sleeves rolled up, revealing his muscular. forearms

It was somewhat of a contradiction to wear an elite outfit with an apron on the outside

Troy caught Imogen’s eyes and smiled, Why?” 

Imogen turned away with her face flickered slightly and said, Nothing.” 

Troy turned and went back to the kitchen

After a while, Troy came out of the kitchen with two servings of pasta, salad, macaroni, and shrimp. They looked very delicate

Imogen sat at the dining table, facing Troy

Give it a try?Troy asked while taking off his apron and putting it aside

Imogen glanced at him, then put a piece of shrimp in her mouth. It was so tender, as if water would come out when she bit

Troy sat down at the other side of the table and said modestly, I haven’t cooked for a long time. Hope it’s good.” 

Didn’t you often cook for Sarah?Imogen asked softly, glancing at him and raising her eyebrows

Not often, only once.” 

Oh.Imogen lowered her head and continued eating

Troy observed the look on Imogen’s face and asked, Why? You don’t believe it?” 

Whatever. It’s not like I’ve installed a surveillance camera in Sarah’s house. How would I know?” 

Troy didn’t stick to this topic and said, From now on, I will choose one day every week to cook for you?” 

He was busy with work, so he couldn’t cook every day

Work is the most important thing.Imogen glanced at him with unclear emotions

Troy didn’t say anything, but he had a firm idea in his mind

After dinner, Sue went to clean the kitchen

Would you like to go for a walk? It helps with digestion,Troy suggested


Okay.Imogen nodded in agreement

Side by side, the two walked out of the yard together. They walked along flagstone road in the community, talking casually

Troy took Imogen’s hand and asked, I’m going to Paris for the vacation, and I’ll be leaving on the 30th. Do you want to come with me?” 

It was very common for Troy to go on a business trip abroad

Therefore, she never doubted him when he went on a business trip every July. Who’d know he went to see Sarah

And Imogen had no overseas traveling plans recently. She could only go sightseeing in Paris or reach her clients at best

I still have some work in hand. I may not be free,she answered

As senior management, there was also a lot of work during the holidays

Leave it to your subordinates,Troy suggested

But Imogen didn’t think it was appropriate and insisted, That’s not good. How can I hand over all my job responsibilities to my subordinates?” 

Previously, Imogen was very hurt because of Troy’s favoritism towards Sarah at work

Now Troy finally turned to her for selfishness, but she rejected him

Only then did she realize that what she cared about was not the injustice but Troy’s different attitude between her and Sarah

It’s okay to do so once in a while.” 

Well, the big boss stated himself clearly

Imogen compromised. Fine.” 

During the walk, Troy answered two calls

One was from a business partner, and the other was from Cedric

It’s Sarah’s birthday today. I’m too occupied to join her party. Did she say anything about this?Cedric asked on the phone, snickering

Troy frowned slightly and glanced at Imogen next to him, and he couldn’t believe Cedric just brought this up

Go and ask her yourself,he complained

Imogen walked forward slowly without looking sideways

Troy wondered if she could hear the voice on the phone

Yo, you’re not with her? It’s such a good chance! I heard that today’s banquet was costly. Does Imogen know about this? If she does, he will throw a drama at you.” 

Troy asked without answering, Anything else?” 

After being silent for a while, Cedric asked, Troy, are you planning to continue like this forever?” 

Like thismeant Troy would stay married to Imogen and date Sarah at the same time

Troy didn’t answer. Cedric continued, I thought that you would stay alone for your entire life until you met Sarah. Then I realized that you have a different side. Sarah is a good girl. She’s gentle and considerate. At that time, your classmates were all so envious of you having such a girlfriend

I also witnessed you two, from knowing each other to falling in love and breaking up. I don’t know 


why you 

broke up, but fate is here. Since you can meet her again, you have to cherish it.” 

The implication was that he hoped that Troy could divorce Imogen

Since Troy and Sarah were dating again, Cedric knew they still had a feeling for each other. Why not divorced Imogen and married Sarah? Imogen wasn’t from a pedigree family, and they had no interest bound together

Although Sarah was suspected of taking advantage of Cedric that day, Cedric could understand that now it was because Sarah knew Troy was married. It was normal for Sarah to overthink

He witnessed Troy and Sarah come all the way long, and he simply wished that they could get back together

If that’s it, I will hang up,” Troy said

Knowing that Troy didn’t want to talk about it, Cedric immediately changed the subject

Troy had previously said that he wanted Cedric to apologize to Imogen. Therefore, Cedric called to ask when would the Marshall couple be free to gather at the club

I should apologize to Imogen,Cedric said

Let me ask her.” 

Troy looked at Imogen beside him, took her hand, and said, Cedric knew he offended you that night, and he wants to apologize to you.” 

That night was a horrible experience for Imogen

Those memories were a nightmare to her and had woken her woke up so many times in the middle of the night

Seeing Imogen being silent, Troy frowned and was about to reject Cedric

The next second, Imogen took his hand and said, Make it tomorrow night.” 

Don’t force yourself.Troy stood still and looked at Imogen

I’m not.” 

She just made a clever choice

The friendship between Troy and Cedric for years would not be torn apart because of this 


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