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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 97


Chapter 97 She Was a Mystery 

Troy said in a deep voice, Just do as I tell you.” 

Cedric was silent for a moment and then nodded

Troy put the phone back in his pocket and walked slowly, holding Imogen’s hand

The atmosphere was quiet

After a long time, Imogen said, Cedric would apologize to me. If you want to call Hector and the others, won’t you make Cedric lose face in front of them?” 

So what?” 

I don’t think it’s necessary to call Hector and the others.” 

In the past, this was what Imogen precisely hoped for, and now her wish would come true. But she was not as happy as she imagined

It seemed like this was a dispensable thing

If he had introduced her in front of his friends when they were just married, she would have been very happy

But if it was announced now, his friends would not recognize her because of the matter between him and Sarah. And they would think that she snatched Troy away from Sarah

Even if they respected her superficially for Troy’s sake, they would not wish her well from the bottom of their hearts

Just like Cedric now

Troy stopped and looked at Imogen

Why don’t you think it’s necessary?” 

Imogen moved her lips. Do you still remember when you asked me to call Sarah sisterinlaw?” 

At that time, he took Sarah to meet his friends, and Imogen came to greet them. How long had it been since then

In a blink of an eye, the woman beside him became her

She really couldn’t read this man

Troy held Imogen’s wrist, rubbing her thumb lightly. Don’t worry, I’m here.” 

Even if his friends didn’t like her, they still had to hold back in front of him

Just like Cedric. Even if he was reluctant, but still had to apologize to her

Imogen didn’t say anything more

The two walked along the neighborhood for a while and returned to the villa

Troy came out of the bathroom and saw a water glass and two medicine bottles in front of Imogen

He frowned slightly and walked behind Imogen. Is the stomach not feeling well? Go to the hospital?” 

Hearing the voice, Imogen was frightened. Then she calmed down. No need.” 

Troy refused. It hasn’t recovered after such a long time, and a minor illness will become serious. I will accompany you to the hospital tomorrow.” 

It’s really not necessary. When I was diagnosed, the doctor said that I was suffering from


chronic disease and needed to be recuperated for a period of time.Imogen looked at Troy and 

said proactively, Don’t worry, I don’t shy away from seeing a doctor. There is really no big problem now. If I was really uncomfortable, I would take the initiative to see a doctor.” 

After hearing what Imogen said, Troy had no choice but to nod. Don’t try to be brave.” 


In the evening, Troy came out of the study after finishing his work and opened the door of the main bedroom

Imogen was already lying on the bed and fell asleep

He walked lightly to the side of the bed, looking at Imogen’s sleeping face, peaceful and beautiful. But she was still curled up, bowing like a shrimp

He walked into the bathroom, came out in a bathrobe after a while, threw off the quilt, and went to bed. He leaned against Imogen and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms

The warmth approached from behind, and Imogen stuck to it unknowingly

The sun was shining in the room. Imogen rubbed her sleepy eyes and glanced at her phone. It was five minutes before seven o’clock

He was not here. Only the place where he slept was still warm

Troy must have gotten up to go for a run

Imogen got up, dressed, washed, and went downstairs to eat, and Troy was already waiting for her downstairs

After breakfast, the two went to the company together, like countless days in the previous marriage

In the back seat of the car, Troy took Imogen’s hand and put it on his lap to play with

Her skin was very white, and blood vessels could be seen on the back of her hands. Her fingers were slender and pale, and her nails were light pink

I’m not at the company in the afternoon. So, I’ll go directly to the clubhouse in the evening and ask the driver to pick you up after work.” 

Have a schedule?Imogen asked

I have an appointment with others to play golf,Troy said

It was not simply playing golf, but talking about business through it, which was better than sitting in a formal meeting room


Would you like to come with me?” 

I have to work. How about you let me resign?Imogen shook Troy’s hand

Troy smiled. No.” 

Imogen didn’t expect him to agree

She couldn’t help but think of the child in her womb. Counting the time, it had been almost thirteen weeks

It was time for her to go for a pregnancy test

Now, she still didn’t know how to talk to Troy, and their current state was not stable

When they arrived at the company, the two entered the elevator one after the other, parted ways 


at the corner, and went back to their offices

Before leaving, Troy squeezed Imogen’s palm with an affectionate look

Let’s go.Imogen pushed him

Troy walked towards the office

Imogen withdrew her gaze and turned around to see Charlene standing not far away. She was looking straight at her with a tense face and a little gloom in her eyes

Imogen smiled faintly at her. Charlene, good morning.” 

Charlene didn’t speak

Imogen didn’t expect Charlene to answer and went straight to her office

Charlene stood where she was, looking at Imogen’s back, with her hands hanging down. She couldn’t help clenching them tightly

She closed eyes and recollected the scene just now in her mind

Even though Troy and Imogen were not overly intimate in behavior, Troy’s eyes showed everything

Charlene swallowed. Her throat was tense, and her heart was sore

She thought again of the time when she first met Troy

He was wearing a black shirt with two buttons undone, suit pants with a lowkey and delicate belt, and handmade leather shoes. His figure was tall and straight

Holding documents between his goodlooking and slender fingers, he gave an inaugural speech on the stage, his tone unhurried and calm

When his gaze swept over, he was calm. But there was a kind of majesty that could not be ignored. At the sight of him, Charlene was impressed by his temperament

Just because she was two years older than Troy, she was automatically classified as the elder sister. Even if the employees joked, they would not make fun of her and Troy, as if they felt that they were not a natural match

Age was an insurmountable chasm

Charlene also knew that a mature and powerful man like Troy would only like women who were younger than him. She was directly excluded

Afraid of being ridiculed, she could only suppress her feelings and declared to the public that she had a boyfriend

She had been secretly paying attention to Troy

It was also because of this that she realized early that the relationship between Troy and Imogen did not seem to be pure brother and sister


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