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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102

The resolve in Letitia’s eyes crumbled in an instant with his words. Her family had always been her weakness

Get it now? Elgin asked, ‘So, what should you do, need me to spell it out for you?”

Letitia was nearly biting her lower lip to bleeding. Elgin didn’t lay a finger on her, didn’t touch her, but those few words made her want to kneel on her own.

“Elgin… you’re ruthless.”

He just lifted his chin a bit, quietly waiting for her to bow down.

Letitia shook off Mark’s hand, licked the blood at the comer of her lips, a taste of iron and sweetness. All her dignity, Elgin could easily stomp it under his feet

Just now, Mark couldn’t make her bend her knees no matter what, but now, she was slowly getting ready to kneel.

Right then…

“Letitia!” A crisp voice rang out, and everyone’s heads tumed towards the door in unison.

Vidonia Bailey burst in, quick as a flash to support Letitia, “What the heck are you doing!”


“Damn it,” Vidonia steadied her, “I knew something was up when you didn’t show up for work!”

“How did you get here?”

‘I came looking for you,” Vidonia said, “I had to pull some strings with Samson Stewart to find out you were here, and I rushed over.”

Letitia nudged her, “You go back to the office first.”

“No, if we’re leaving, we’re leaving together.” Vidonia looked at Shela and Mark, “What are you trying to pull? You want to mess with Letitia, you’ll have to get through me first!”

Shela gritted her teeth, “Why is it always you!”

This Vidonia, always ruining her plans, always got Letitia’s back with Mr. Stewart in her corner, always butting heads with her!

“Why? Got a problem?” Vidonia shot back, “Is the hospital your family property? You’re the only one who can come?”

“Mr. Ramirez! Shela, unable to win the argument, could only seek help from Elgin again.

Vidonia chuckled, “What, you don’t have a voice of your own? Is Mr. Ramirez your official spokesperson?”

While giving Shela a piece of her mind, she checked Letitia over.

Seeing that Letitia had no obvious injuries, she breathed a sigh of relief.


“Why do you look so pale? Your hands are ice cold.” Vidonia warmed her hands, “What happened?”

Letitia truly didn’t know where to begin. She opened her mouth, then swallowed the words back.

Mark burst out angrily, “Letitia dragged Shela down the stairs, causing Shela to miscarry. This murderer, this culprit, we obviously have to settle the score with her!”

“What!” Vidonia exclaimed, “You fell down the stairs? How’s my godson? Is he still there?”

Letitia patted her hand, “I’m fine, the baby… luckily, is fine too”

Vidonia heaved a sigh of relief, “Thank goodness, you scared me to death.”

“Hey, did you miss the point?” Mark intervened dissatisfied, “Shela miscarried!”

Who is this woman? So rude and loud!

Shela’s miscarriage, what’s that got to do with me?” Vidonia said, “If it’s gone, it’s gone. As long as Letitia is alright.”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

The truth! Shows that karma’s real!*

Mark pointed at her, “Who are you to talk like that?!”

Who I am is none of your business. Let me tell you, Shela’s miscarriage is karma Vidonia laughed, “She’s the other woman, carrying an Megitimate child, unrecognized and unnamed. It’s gone, so be it. Even the heavens couldn’t stand it.”

The thought of Elgin being married and having a child with Shela sent chills down her spine.

Chapter 102

What a piece of work.

Let’s go, Letitia, Vidonia pulled Letitia, ‘We’re going home.”

in ciitical moments, there’s always a true friend who would steps up, not asking about the situation, not minding right or wrong, unconditionally on your side….

“You want to leave? No way!” Mark blocked their path, You can leave, but Letitia stays!”

“Who are you to keep her? What right do you have to restrict our freedom?”

“She killed Shela’s baby!”

Vidonia retorted, “Do you have proof? They both fell together. I haven’t even started with you on upsetting Letitia’s pregnancy!

“Mr. Ramirez, who is this woman…” Mark was exasperated, “She is so rude!”

Elgin glanced at Vidonia, “Get out, this isn’t the place for you.”

I was about to leave, but there’s a dog in the way!”

Mark puffed up. “Who are you calling a dog!”

“Whoever’s blocking the way!”

“Letitia stays Elgin spoke, You can go.”

“That’s not happening, i’m taking her with me.”

“No chance.”

Vidonia huffed, ‘Elgin, either you divorce now and marry Shela, letting Letitia go. It’s not like she can’t live without you.”

“She thinks she can take the kid and get away scot-free? Dream on!”


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