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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Just as Letitia was putting the finishing touches on a design draft, right before clocking out, a commotion at the door grabbed her


She looked up to see Elgin strolling in, surrounded by a crowd of people

Why on earth was he dropping by the Jewelry Department?

Remembering his exchanges with Shela all that talk about maybe he had feelings for her…

It gave Letitia’s heart an unexpected jolt of speed

She’d never tried to seduce, she’d rather keep her distance if anything.

So why did he seem to give a damn, even just a little? Was it just a guy thing, a primal instinct?

Letitia shifted her gaze away and got back to her grind, but…

Letitia Elgin called out her name directly

When your boss singles you out, can you really play deaf?

Under the curious and knowing gazes of her colleagues, Letitia stood up. Mr. Ramirez.”

“Come here”

What the heck? What’s Elgin up to, looking to stir the pot with more gossip?

“Mr. Ramirez, I’ve still got work to finish.”

“Workday’s over, do it tomorrow


Elgin had already turned, and the crowd parted for him as if by magic

With everyone watching. Letitia couldn’t say no and followed him out of the office.

Once in the car, she couldn’t help but ask, “Elgin, what’s this all about?”

“Taking you home.”

“I’ve got legs, I can walk on my own.”

He flicked the dust off his cuff, “Tonight, you’re needed at the Ramirez Mansion.”

“Oh. Letitia responded, “You could’ve just texted me, or had Ranen give me a heads up

“What, you got a problem with me coming to find you at the Jewelry Department?”

“Haven’t you heard the gossip flying around the office about us?”

Elgin raised an eyebrow, No Because no one dares gossip in front of me”

Letitia was at a loss for words, “Well, let me fill you in then, there’s talk that you’re keeping me as your sugar baby”

Elgin pondered for a few seconds. “It’s not entirely wrong.

Letitia looked at him with a shocked expression

“You eat my food, wear what I provide, live under my roof, Elgin replied. “I am indeed keeping you.”

‘I’m your wife! The one you mamed! We’re legally hitched! It’s your secret marriage that’s sparking rumors!”

Letitia was livid. She was perfectly capable of being self-sufficient, a modern independent woman! It was Elgin who clipped her wings. not letting her soar, and now he had the nerve to say he was supporting her? That’s a laugh!

Elgin watched her get all ruffled with a calm face. After a moment, he simply uttered, “Oh.”

Letitia was on the verge of blowing her top, turning her head to stare out the car window, ignoring him.

The car pulled into the Ramirez Mansion.

Howley greeted her with a beaming smile, “How are you feeling these days? You need to take good care of yourself. It hasn’t been long. but I already can’t wait.”

All is well, Grandpa”

‘Good, if you need anything, let me know. Can’t neglect my great-grandchild, now can we?”


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