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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 117

Chapter 117

She totally blanked-forgot that the guy in front of her was Elgin.

From her behavior, he could sense that something was off. Someone with nothing to hide, someone who’s sure of themselves, wouldn’t look like such a deer in the headlights

“Shela,” Elgin’s voice cut through the air like ice, “got anything to say about what Letitia just dropped?”

“Mr. Ramirez, L., L. L

“Nothing, then?”

Shela stammered, all jittery. “Mr. Mr Ramirez, she that I L

Elgin leaned in, eyes piercing like daggers, “Spill it

His voice boomed, echoing through the entire Ivory Towers

Letitia seizing the moment chimed in, “Shela, you could also zip it and head straight to the hospital for a check-up. If I’m slinging mud here, the results will clear everything up, easy peasy!”

“Shut your trap’ Shela screeched. “Letitia, you bitch!”

“Looks like you don’t have the guts, do you?”

Letitia was playing her cards right

Hearing the recording, she was sweating bullets-what if she got it wrong, what if Shela’s “a normal person” didn’t have a deeper meaning into it?

But backed into a comer with no way out, she had to roll the dice

Screw it, all int

Turns out, Letitia hit the jackpot.

She couldn’t believe Shela had the nerve to play Elgin and faked her pregnancy and miscarriage!

It was like digging her own grave!

Even if she had no kid, there would be no problem-Elgin was still treating Shela like a queen, giving her the sun, the moon, and the stars!

Under Letitia’s relentless truth-hunt, Shela was toast

She gave up the fight, collapsing onto the carpet, muttering, “Yes, Mr. Ramirez, I wasn’t pregnant, and I never had a miscarriage.

Shela had to less up Otherwise, a hospital check would reveal her little secret and pull out way bigger skeletons from the closet!

No way could Elgin find out it wasn’t her that night, but Letitial

Even if Elgin blew his top and never wanted to see her face again, she wouldn’t let Letitia climb the ladder and live the high life!

Letitia cracked a smile. It was a light laugh, a sigh of relief. “Elgin, did you catch that?” She asked

Finally, Shela’s admitted it

She did it, she proved herself innocent

No way Shela’s bouncing back from a screw-up this big!

Letitia was ready to keep the pressure on, not letting up an inch, giving no room for a comeback

Letitia prodded Elgin, “she’s been soaking up your care, spending your money, sweet-talking about how much she’s into you, dreaming of having your kids. And what do you get? A big fat lie. She played you, toyed with your feelings, your hopes for a kid, had you tricked by her”

Letitia knew just where to hit-a man’s pnde-so she laid it on thick, fueling his fury, setting him up to throw the book at Shela.


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