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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Eigin shorted with a sheer, “You sure you want me to spill the beans? Or would you rather less up yourself?”

Mark panicked, completely lost his footing, and dropped to his knees with a thud.

Talk about a guilty conscience!

Elgin lifted his foot and aimed a kick at his chest, “Shela’s already confessed, and here you are, still putting up a front!”

That kick was hefty, and Mark was sent flying, crashing to the ground, coughing over and over, struggling to get up.

What? She confessed? What did Shela spill? Or did she spill everything?

Clutching his chest, Mark was both shocked and scared, “Mr. Ramirez, Shela, she-she.”

Elgin’s face was frosty as he pressed on, “I’m giving you one last chance.”

Mark was dumbfounded, he had no clue what Shela had revealed.

Was it a fake pregnancy, a miscarriage? Or was it about that night?

Surely Shela wasn’t that foolish!

After thinking it over, Mark began knocking his head to the ground, “It was all my idea, Mr. Ramirez Be it the pregnancy or the miscarriage, I was the one doing it, I bribed the doctor! She she didn’t want to do any of it, it was me who kept on persuading and pressuring her!”

“Every time she saw you, she was down in the dumps, feeling like you didn’t kke her, lacking a sense of security I couldn’t bear to see her so upset, so so I came up with this plan to make you pay more attention to her!”

“Mr. Ramirez, please don’t blame her, it’s all on me-come at me with whatever you’ve got! Punish me! Shela’s innocent

Mark was shouldering all the blame Now, he was ready to sacrifice himself to save Shela!

Elgin looked down on him from above. That’s it?”

“No… no more” Mark shook his head nervously, Her intentions were all because she likes you, Mr. Ramirez!”

Hearing this Elgins frown deepened. Is this what they call liking someone? Turning deception into affection?

Elgin didn’t want to bring up the miscarriage again-he had been so anxious back then.

He even neglected Letitia, who had also fallen down the stairs.

And it turned out it was the father-daughter duo had been plotting against him!

Tm asking you,” Elgin nudged Mark with his shoe, since you’re so good at giving Shela ideas, clever enough to play me… was that night we spent together also thanks to your bright ideas?”

Because Shela was so different from the girl that night, he had his doubts

He’d even sent people to double-check privately, but the results… were the same as before.

Now, with this fake pregnancy and miscarriage stunt, Elgin’s suspicions were reignited.

He was always distrustful, never putting faith in others, only in himself!

“Mr. Ramirez, that night, I really don’t know what happened!” Mark pleaded, “I don’t have the means to get Shela into your hotel room!”

Actually, when Elgin asked that question, Mark knew the score.

2 5 5

Shela hadn’t confessed about that night.


That was the bottom line! As long as Mr. Ramirez believed he slept with Shela, there was still a chance for them to turn things around! So, Mark immediately started making excuses.

Elgin’s gaze darkened as he stared at him, ‘Really You keep deceiving me, you know what the consequences will be.. you understand, right?

‘Of course, of course!”

“But feel like there’s something you’re still not telling me

As his words fell, Elgin’s shoe came down hard on Mark’s fingers.


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