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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Letitia bolted out of the company and hailed a cab

She pulled out all the cash she had and shoved it into the driver’s hands, “This is all I’ve got, please, I beg you, take me to AquaCity Detention Center

The driver saw how pitiful she looked and agreed to help her out

When Letitia arrived. Preston was sprawled out on a stretcher. His arms and thighs were covered in burn marks. His eyes were half-open, and he kept repeating how much it hurt.

“Dad!” Letitia rushed over “Dad, look at me, it’s Letitia What happened, how did my dad get burned so badly!”

The guard replied. “He did it to himself. We’ve got nothing to do with it.”

“Where is the surveillance footage? I want to see the whole incident!”

Sorry, sweetheart, the footage here isn’t for just anyone’s eyes.”

Letitia gritted her teeth, You. You’re pushing me too far!”

“Letitia, it hurts, it hurts so bad Preston moaned unconsciously. “Help me out…”

He tried to reach for the blisters from his burns, but Letitia grabbed his hand, “Dad, hang in there, I’m taking you to the hospital right now!”

“No can do, he’s a prisoner in custody, you need proper authorization to take him out.”

So what, you’re just gonna watch my dad die?!”

The guard responded, “Honestly, you can only blame yourselves for pissing off the wrong people. Your dad hasn’t had it easy since he got here.

A name flashed through Letitia’s mind- Elgin! It was him!

Hadn’t he tormented her enough?! Even her father, who was serving time, wasn’t spared!

“I’m gonna see Elgin, I’m going to him right now. Letitia cleaned her tears, trying to get up

But just as she stood up. Shela strolled in, a smug smirk playing on her lips. With a gloating tone, she said, “Letitia, save your breath. Elgin despises you so much, he just wants to see you suffer!

“Was it you?” Letitia shot back.

“I was bored and thought I’d come to see how your old man was doing Shela replied “Who knew he’d accidentally knock over a kettle and scald himself like that”

That’s impossible! You did this!”

Shela shrugged with a smug look, “Got any proof?”

Letitia’s fists clenched tight as she glared at Shela, fire nearly shooting from her eyes.

“You’re dying to hit me, right?” Shela taunted, “Come on, if it weren’t for Mr. Ramirez stopping you last time, you would’ve slapped me already. He’s not here today, have at it.”

She knew Letitia wouldn’t dare touch her, so she was just egging her on!

Go on, spill some boiling water on me, Letitia, come on, don’t just stand there!”

Shela’s gloating face kept dancing in front of Letitia’s eyes.

“You can come at me, Letitia took a deep breath, “the one you hate is me, not my dad.”

Shele stepped up to her. Do you honestly think I could puff off a stunt like this in prison by myself and get everyone to cover for me?

You are saying.

Chapter 15

That’s right Shela said, “Mr. Ramirez allowed me to do it. After all, you’re nothing but lowly trash, your dad should’ve been dead long ago! Mr. Ramirez kept him around just to blow off some steam now and then!”

Letitia tasted blood in her mouth, her throat tinged with a bitter sweetness

It was all done with Elgin’s silent consent. His was so cruel!

“Why, why?” her eyes reddened as she bit her lip hard, “What do I have to do to get my dad to the hospital?”

“Weren’t you the one who’d rather take a whipping than bark like a dog?”

Letitia got the message. In this moment, with her loved one’s safety on the line, her dignity was worthless.

Shela held her chin high. “Start now, or I might just change my mind.”

Preston, despite his injuries, was still somewhat lucid and tried to stop her, “No, Letitia, no… it doesn’t hurt…”

Letitia forced her tears back and hung her head low, complying.


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