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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Walden fell silent for a few seconds before finally letting out a sigh, “I only blame myself for not being strong enough to protect you. I was shipped off abroad by my old man back in the day, and now he’s frozen my bank account”

He slammed his fist into the wall with a thud.

Letitia cracked a bitter smile. “With the Sanders family drama, everyone wants to steer clear, scared stiff of getting bumed by Elgar’s wrath

Letitia, Dr. Preston is top notch How could such a huge mistake happen under his watch, leading to a life lost?”

“There was no mistake on my dad’s part

“What did you say

Letitia looked at him, “Walden. I’m saying my dad claims he was framed. Do you believe it?”

This secret, held closely to her chest, was one she dared share only with Walden. She knew no one else would trust her, and they’d likely even spill the beans to Elgin “I believe in your father, Walden said with conviction, locking eyes with her “There’s definitely something fishy going on here!”

Letitia, equally determined. Till get to the bottom of it One day, I’ll clear my dad’s name and put an end to all this hate.”

“Letitia, how are you going to do it alone? If Elgin catches wind, he’ll make it harder for you! Let me help you!”

“I don’t even know where to start, you can’t help me right now. But thanks for the offer.”

Letitia managed a weak smile and turned to head back to the event

In the distance. Shela was keeping a keen eye on her She saw Letitia exiting from the direction of the restroom, and that Mr. Sullivan was right on her heels Something’s definitely cooking between those two.

A calculating glint shone in Shela’s eyes.

The auction was in in high gear with bids flying fast and furiously, yet Elgin hadn’t placed another bid.

“So it’s a two-hundred thousand dollar emerald and you drop two million on it,” said Samson, stroking his beard in contemplation. He turned to Elgin, What’s your game plan, Gin?”

“Got money to burn.” Elgin swirled the champagne in his hand, “It’s all for charity anyway Bid more, donate more, and the Ramirez Group gets a shiny rep”

“Smart cookie, Samson clapped away, “You’re the man!”

Elgin shoved the champagne into his hand, Tm rolling out, you stick around”

“What do you mean, stick around? I wanna bail too!

“Cause you’re my underling. There’s an after party after the auction, you’re going on behalf of the Ramirez Group.”

Samson gnashed his teeth, “Gin, you cold-blooded guy!”

In the car, Elgin rubbed his temples, “Back to Ivory Towers”

“Yes, Mr. Ramirez”

As the car glided away, Elgin picked up his phone and texted Letitia-[Get your butt back here.]

Letitia, relieved upon receiving the message, was ready to leave

But then her phone buzzed again.

it was a message from an unknown number, [Wanna know who the man sleeping with you is? Meet at the the Hilton Hotel room 68RK)

Le stantly knew who was behind this message-Shela’ It had to be her

What was Shele up to? Would the really reveal the more identity? But if she didn’t go, she’d be out of leads

Chapter 30

Meanwhile, Elgin was pestering her to get home….

After a moment’s thought, Letitia headed straight for the hotel to scope things out!

Standing at the door of room 6888, Letitia rang the doorbell several times with no answer

She tried the handle and found the door unlocked!

“Shela?” Letitia stepped in cautiously. “I know it’s you, cut the crap and come out! You sent the message, I figured it out Only you and your dad would know about that incident!”

The room was eerily quiet.

Was it possible there was no one there at all? Was Shela just messing with her?

Just as Letitia was puzzled, a sound came from the bedroom. Someone was there!

She peeked inside and instantly broke into a cold sweat.

Walden! Why was it him?

There he was, lying on the bed, shirt agape, eyes shut, seemingly asleep.

This is bad! She’d been set up!


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