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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Vidonia slammed her fork down and quipped, “What, you again? Is being a home wrecker these days something to be proud of?”

“Please, I’m the future Mrs. Ramirez. Just show me some respect!”

While saying this, Shela lifted her chin towards Letitia, “Did you like my gift for you last night?”

“You are shameless.”

Shela laughed triumphantly, “Just a little warning. Be nicer to me from now on, got it, Letitia?”

Letitia didn’t want to engage with her, “Vidonia, let’s go.”

“Sure. There’s a yapping dog here killing my appetite.” Vidonia chimed in.

Shela casually flipped her hair to flash her emerald bracelet at Letitia and quickly covered it again with her sleeve, “Don’t even dream of outshining me in this lifetime, Letitia.”

Sure enough, Letitia faltered at the sight, The bracelet…”

“Mr. Ramirez gave it to me, Shela boasted. “He bought it and gave it straight to me. You think you’d ever get your hands

on it?”

Letitia felt a pang but swallowed it, “Now that you’re its owner, treat it well.”

“It’s my emerald bracelet; I’ll do whatever I please with it, and even if I broke it… Mr. Ramirez wouldn’t blame me!”

Vidonia gave her a dismissive look, Are you leaving or not? I’m calling security. We have rules about outsiders lingering!”


“Three, two, one, security…

“I’m going!” Shela stomped her foot and huffed off. As she passed Letitia, she made sure to give her bracelet another showy shake before strutting away.

Truth was the emerald bracelet wasn’t even in Shela’s possession. It was locked up tight in the Ivory Towers’ safe by Elgin. But Shela couldn’t stand it, so she bought a fake one just to get a rise out of Letitia!

Seeing Letitia upset made her day.

“Vidonia, I’m sorry,” Letitia apologized in the hallway. “You had to put up with this because of me.”

Vidonia, rich and fiery, wasn’t one to take any nonsense.

‘Aren’t you pissed? Vidonia shot back. “You, Letitia, were once the Sanders family’s princess, the most popular girl at

school. And now?”

“Now… just being alive isn’t too bad, Letitia said, eyes downcast

“What exactly happened to you? Will you tell me?”

After a few seconds of silence, Letitia nodded and recounted her ordeal, leaving Vidonia red-eyed.

“It’s okay, it’s all in the past, Letitia said, cleaning her tears. “Look, I’m still here in one piece.”

Just then, Samson emerged from the elevator and was baffled by the scene.

“What’s going on? Who made the tough cookie cry?”

“It was me,” Letitia said helplessly. “Mr. Stewart, she’s all yours. I’ve got designs to work on.”

“Hey, hey, hey… I’m no good at comforting women!” Samson was at a loss, looking at Vidonia.

Witnessing this woman, usually far stronger than him, suddenly reduced to tears was quite unsettling.

don’t cry, Samson said awkwardly, rubbing his hands together. “You’re acting like a crybaby


hapter 32

“Get lost, Samson’

“Okay, okay, got it. How about I tell you a secret?”

Vidonja sniffled, “What?”

“About Gin and Letitia,” Samson said, eager to share, “I’ve got the full scoop, took me a ton of effort!”


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