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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34

“This is the first time ‘Ramirez Romantica’ is launching a new line, and it’s aimed at urban young professional women, so my design leans towards the younger crowd, specifically targeting females in their 20s to 30s…”

When someone’s In their confident field, they shine.

Throughout the meeting, Letitia was killing it with her mad skills.

“Bravo!” Samson was the first to start clapping. The rest joined in with the applause. Only Elgin was looking at her, his gaze deep and unfathomable.

“Tomorrow, we can start turning these sketches into actual work,” Samson said, “Mr. Ramirez, any other thoughts?”

Out of the blue, the general manager chimed in, “Mr. Ramirez, you’ve just tied the knot, and Designer Sanders is talented. How about letting her design a wedding ring for Mrs. Ramirez?”

Elgin’s face did a little dance, and Letitia was gobsmacked.

Design my own wedding ring? You’ve got to be kidding me…

The general manager kept pitching. This way, we can hype up Mrs. Ramirez’s ring as a marketing stunt, plaster it everywhere, and give ‘Ramirez Romantica’ a fame boost! Two birds, one stone, what do you


Samson’s mouth twitched, replying, “Only you could’ve cooked up something like this.”

“Right, Mr. Stewan? I knew you’d be on my side!”

Samson was speechless.

Elgin was tapping his finger on the table, pondering. Finally, he said, “Sure…”

“No way!” Before his words had a chance to fully echo, Letitia’s voice of dissent cut through. All eyes immediately turned towards her.

Elgin’s the big boss – his word is law. Who dares cross him? Designer Sanders surely was bold.

“I don’t think it’s appropriate.” Letitia bit her lip, “Mr. Ramirez has always kept a low profile, not keen on airing his private life. Now that he’s married, he’d probably want to shield his family’s privacy even more.”

What a joke…

Not to mention it’s awkward to design her own wedding ring, but she feared that in the end, the ring she poured her heart and soul into wouldn’t end up on her finger, but on Shela’s

Elgin would give it to Shela, after all, he dotes on her that much. So, Letitia would not do it.

Elgin looked at her, his voice low, “Letitia, are you opposing me?”

There was a warning in his tone. She had no right to oppose him, especially not in the middle of a meeting, in front of all the execs.

“Mr. Ramirez, I… I’m afraid I won’t be able to nail it, and Mrs. Ramirez might not like it.”

“She’ll like what you design.”


“No buts. Elgin cut in firmly. “It’s settled.”

Letitia wanted to protest, but Samson hurriedly shot her a look.

Elgin stood up, claiming, “Meeting adjourned.”

The general manager was smug, “I made Mr. Ramirez happy and pleased Mrs. Ramirez.”

“Yeah, you’re quite the smarty-pants, Samson patted his shoulder, “Too bad Mrs. Ramirez doesn’t seem too thrilled.

“What? Mrs Ramirez already knows about this?”

Chapter 34

Without replying, Samson shrugged and left the conference room.

Elgin headed to the president’s office, with footsteps hurrying behind him.

Mr. Ramirez, wait up.” Letitia caught up with him, “About designing the ring…”

“It’s done.”


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