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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Raizel stormed into the Ramirez Group, fuming.

Phedra had forwarded her the news, and only then did she learn that Elgin had announced his marriage officially-

She had to see for herself who this bitch was. She was hell-bent on scratching that face, yanking out her hair, stripping her naked, and tossing her into the street!

Raizel was moving so fast in her high heels that she didn’t realize the floor had just been mopped and was still wet. She nearly took a spill.

“Ah!!” Raizel shrieked “Who’s the blind idiot trying to take me down?

The staff at Ramirez Group all knew Raizel and her bad temper and kept their distance.

Only Letitia, oblivious, kept on with her tasks.

Raizel scanned the room and quickly spotted her. “You, the dirty cleaner! You mopped this floor, didn’t you? Get over


Letitia lifted her head. “Are you talking to me?”

“Yes! Get on your knees and dry the floor!”

Letitia frowned.

Seeing no response from her, Raizel got more pissed. “Are you deaf or what? If I had fallen just now, I would have made you pay through the nose!”

Letitia replied, “First off, you would need to speak human for me to understand.

“What the fuck?”

“And there’s a ‘Wet Floor sign right there, Letitia pointed out. “Can’t you read?”

Raizel couldn’t believe that even a lowly cleaner was giving her lip!

“You’re blaming me? How dare you! I’m firing you right now!

Letitia shot back, “You’re firing me? Who the heck are you?

Raizel answered with pride, “I’m Elgin’s fiancee, Raizel!”

“I’m Elgin’s wife, though. So what?” But Letitia kept that thought to herself.

Raizel was here for a catfight! If Letitia revealed her identity, Raizel would tear her to shreds.

She couldn’t afford to cross this spoiled rich girl.

“Hey!” Raizel barked, “You lowly cleaner, you know who I am now, right? Cat got your tongue?”

“Oh, if my memory serves me right, Mr. Ramirez announced his marriage this morning, and the bride didn’t seem to be any Ms. Morris, Letitia said with a slight smile “So, you’re nothing

That hit Raizel where it hurt.

“The news is fake. Elgin will never marry someone else! Our engagement was set by Mr. Marcel himself when he was alive!”

That explained everything.

No wonder Raizel was so confident.

“Keep it up.” Letitia suddenly patted her shoulder. “Hope you can reclaim what’s yours soon. I’m rooting for you!

The seat of Mrs. Ramirez was too overwhelming for her to bear. If Raizel could take it, she would be more than happy?

“Hub? Raizel was bewildered by her reaction, staring at her strangely. “You’re supporting me?”

im super duper ultra. Before Letitia could finish Raizel joyfully waved behind her. “Oh, dear Eigen

Chapter 4

Elgin had appeared out of nowhere.

Letitia stiffened and slowly turned around. She felt slightly guilty and mostly scared. Elgin must have heard what she said, and crossing him would be dire

Elgin’s presence alone commanded respect, his face a picture of displeasure.

“Dear Elgin, this cleaner has nearly made me fall and was sassing me. You’ve gotta teach her a lesson!

Letitia looked down, biting her lip nervously.

“What do you want her to do? Elgin asked.

“Make her kneel and clean my shoes and the floor.”


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