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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Amidst all the pushing and shoving, someone must have tripped over a cord or something, because suddenly, there was this loud thud and down came a piece of equipment.

And it just had to land right on Mark’s chest.

Mark was coughing his lungs out. He was faking it to begin with, but after that hit, how could he keep up the act?

Mark’s eyes flew open and he started fiddling with the medical device on top of him, “Hey, give me a hand here, get it off…”

The thing didn’t look that big, but man, it was heavy, and Mark couldn’t budge it on his own!

Shela hurried over to help. “Dad!”

“I’m being squashed, Mark complained, “If that thing had hit my face, I’d be a goner!”

Mark sounded full of hot air did he really seem like someone on death’s door from a stroke?

Shela was frantic, shooting him looks that could have pulled a muscle in her eye.

Finally, Mark caught on and quickly laid back down, feigning weakness, “Ouch, that hurts, doctor… quick, get a doctor in here…”

Shela played along, hamming it up. “Dad, you just woke up, take a moment to breathe!”

“Mr. Ward, you’re awake, Letitia chimed in, feigning concern, “That’s a relief, I was scared to death something bad might happen to you!”


“Shela said your condition was getting worse, but I didn’t buy it. You’re usually fit as a fiddle, so I came to check on you. Look at you, awake all on your own, no need for surgery, and no need for my blood.” Letitia had said her piece.

Mark and Shela exchanged looks, speechless.

Letitia grinned. Take care and rest up, Mr. Ward. Those health supplements you bought, save ’em for yourself.”‘

“Did these two really think they could get rid of my kid by playing sick? Dream on!” Letitia thought, “I’m no pushover!”

“Right, I’ll go get the doctor, Letitia announced, “Hang tight.” She turned and left the ICU.

Mark was grinding his teeth, fuming!

Who would’ve thought Letitia would be so crafty, barging in and waking him up!

Shela was fuming too, but with Elgin still around, she couldn’t make a scene, “Mr. Ramirez, I think… I think my dad’s going to be fine.”

Elgin’s gaze was icy as he looked at her, sharp as a blade.

“Mr. Ramirez, don’t look at me like that, I’m… I’m scared…” Shela tried to play the coquette, reaching for his arm, but Elgin brushed her off.

“Do you think I’m that easy to fool?”

Shela turned pale, “No, Mr. Ramirez, my dad really is sick!”

“So you’re still going to keep acting even after Letitia blew your cover?”

Elgin was sharp as a tack! The moment Mark woke up, he had figured it all out. His eyes narrowed dangerously. “You made the whole thing up just to keep taking Letitia’s blood.”

“You shouldn’t have played me.” Elgin’s presence was overwhelming, his face a mask of ice. “Enough nonsense!”

Shela quickly tried to make amends, “Mr. Ramirez, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hide it from you, my mistake, I won’t dare do tagain

Elgin couldn’t stand to look at her, snorted coldly, and walked out.

Mr Ramirez! Shela chased after him, nearly getting her face smacked by the closing door.

“Mr. Ramirez, don’t be mad at me!” she yelled. But Elgin didn’t look back.

“This is it, Dad,” Shela said, “we’ve shot ourselves in the foot!”

At the hospital entrance, Letitia was already waiting by the car.

Elgin strade over, glancing at her, “You finally got something right.”

“If i hadn’t smartened up, I might’ve been dead.”

“How could a few vials of blood kill you?”

It would kill my baby. Letitia silently replied to herself.

“I can’t just be some free, mobile blood bank, getting my blood drawn every day,” she said aloud.

Elgin got into the car, his face grim.


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