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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52

“Mrs. Remirez’ is actually very nice, always treating us with a smile, never barking orders at us. I’ve been by your side and seen so many people, and I can sincerely say that Mrs. Ramirez has a genuinely good heart”

Elgin shot the butler a glance, “Zip it

The butler then silently took out fifty thousand dollars. It was the money that Letitia had painstakingly picked up one by one yesterday.

Elgin slammed the bowl and spoon down hard

The surrounding servants were so scared they didn’t even dare to breathe loudly.

“What’s she trying to say?” Elgin asked, “Huh?”

The butler was keeping his mouth zipped.

“I’m telling you to talk now!”

“Mr. Ramirez, I honestly have no clue, Mrs. Ramirez asked me to give this to you, the butler replied, “The hospital called, Mrs. Sanders’s condition can’t be put on hold, if she needs her meds she’s got to have them ASAP. The longer the delay, the worse she gets”

Elgin’s face tumed stone cold

“Mrs Sanders was in a vegetative state, and now she’s woken up, thanks to the doctor’s work and her own fierce will to live. Mr. Ramirez, you’ve practically cured her, what’s the big deal with this last step of giving her the meds?”

Elgin spoke solemnly, “You always seem to be backing Letitia, intentionally or not.”

“L… I’m just telling it like it is.”

The butler was an old hand, used to be with the Ramirez Mansion, sticking with Marcel

After Marcel passed away, he moved to Ivory Towers, managing all sorts of things.

It could be said that he watched Elgin grow up, just like a father would.

“What’s Letitia given you.


“Nothing. Mrs. Ramirez couldn’t possibly give me anything.”

Letitia was in too deep herself, barely keeping her own head above water.

Elgin scoffed, his eyes landing on the bowl of hangover soup the butler had conspicuously placed in plain view.

After a long pause, he finally said, “Tell the hospital, give this month’s meds…

“Mr. Ramirez!” Shela’s voice suddenly rang out, interrupting him. She rushed in, all concerned, “Did you sober up? I was so worried about you last night, I barely slept.”

“Last night?”

“Yeah, I took care of you in the bar for a long time… Mr. Ramirez, don’t you remember?”

He grunted, “I don’t remember anything.”

Shela pouted, “You drank so much, I couldn’t stop you. You must be feeling rough, got a headache?” As she spoke, she reached out to touch his face, but Elgin dodged her.

“Ms. Ward, the person who brought Mr. Ramirez home last night was Mr. Stewart, the butler reminded from the side.

Shela shot him a glare. That butler is annoying, always against her!

“I know, Mr. Stewart said it was too late, told me not to follow,” Shela replied. “Mr. Ramirez, what were you saying about meds? For whom?”

“None of your business.”

*For Letitia’s mother? You mentioned it to me last night.”

Eigin’s brows furrowed deeply. What exactly had he blabbered and done after getting drunk?

Shela swiftly said, “Mr. Ramirez, you shouldn’t save Letitia’s mother. She’s ungrateful, saving her is pointless!”

“Do you even know what you’re talking about?”

She didn’t even know Malinda, yet dared to judge her. Elgin’s disgust grew.

Shela seemed like a totally different girl compared to that night… or was it the drug that distorted his memory?


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