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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54

The emerald bracelet shimmered with a juicy luster in the bright light.

I’m giving you one last shot, Elgin said coolly, “Letitia, just agree to the abortion, and both the emerald bracelet and the meds will go to your mom.”

He was already being pretty damn generous, by his standards.

Nobody gets to push him around like this, not a chance. But for Letitia, he had compromised this far.

Elgin added, “Letitia, don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Is Walden’s bastard more important to you than your mother’s illness?”

He was dead sure the kid was Walden’s. No matter how much Letitia denied it, he just wouldn’t buy it.

“Why do you have to push me like this…”

“You should be grateful you even have the opportunity to be pushed by me.”

Others don’t get that from Elgin. He’d just cut them off, no second chances, not even a chance to see him! Letitia was already way luckier than most, just inches away from sharing his bed!

The room fell into a heavy silence, so profound that one could have heard a pin drop.

“Last minute, Elgin declared, like he was setting a timer.

Letitia shook uncontrollably. Her legs turned to jelly, she almost couldn’t stand, “Elgin…

“Which is it gonna be?”

Letitia was at a loss for words. He was cornering her, pushing her to the brink.

Finally, Elgin’s patience ran out

“Time’s up, he stood up. “you don’t need to answer me anymore.”

Letitia could only watch in silence as Elgin slowly approached, lifting the emerald bracelet in his hand. Right in front of Letitia, he let go. The moment the emerald bracelet fell, Letitia’s pupils dilated in shock, “Elgin! No!”

She scrambled to catch it, but it was too late. The emerald bracelet plunged straight past her, crashing onto the cold marble floor.

It fell, and the sound was crisp and pleasant to the ear

The moment the emerald bracelet hit the ground, it shattered into several pieces.

The bracelet that had been passed down from her grandmother to her mother, through the decades, was now broken in her hands.

Letitia’s heart shattered along with it. She knelt down, gingerly picking up the broken emerald bracelet

“Elgin, you’re so cold-hearted she murmured, “never leaving a thread of hope, insisting on cutting off my dreams completely.”

Letitia tried to piece together the emerald bracelet. But even if glued, it could be seen it was broken. It could never be the same.

Her hand trembled lightly, fingers clenched around the emerald in her palm.

“This was your own choice, Elgin stood over her, looking down, “you could have had the whole emerald bracelet

He was so high and mighty. In front of him, Letitia was like an ant

She held the emerald bracelet to her chest, the pain was intense.

Her heart felt like it had been ripped open.

Elgin walked past her, saying icily, “You’re having an abortion, it’s just a matter of time. Letitia, you’re terrible at making choices. The sooner you get it over with, the sooner you can have so much more.”

His voice faded into the distance. In the vast CEO’s office, only Letitia was left

She was clutching so hard, the jagged edges of the emerald were sharp, piercing her palm.

Blood oozed out, staining the emerald red, dripping drop by drop onto the floor.

“Ah-” Letitia screamed in despair, her helplessness and humiliation encapsulated in that cry.

Outside, Elgin heard the scream and paused.

“Mr. Ramirez, this.. Ranen tentatively asked, ‘should we check on her?”

Let her be.


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