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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Man, she’s putting on this act, complete with the whining voice and pouty face… To be honest, it’s kinda nauseating. Elgin was getting more and more fed up with her.

If it weren’t for that one night, and his promise to marry her, he wouldn’t give a second glance to a woman like Shela.

“Who did this to you?” he asked.

Shela blurted out, “Letitia!”


“Are you looking for me? What’s up?” Just then, Letitia strolled down the stairs, caught sight of Shela, and exclaimed in surprise, “Oh my god? Is your new movie role a beggar, Shela?”

Pointing at her, Shela snapped, “Cut the crap, Letitia! You know damn well why I ended up like this!”

“That so? I haven’t seen you all day. How would I know?”

“It was you! You’re the one who did this!”

Letitia wasn’t born yesterday Playing the innocent card? She could do that in her sleep!

“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Letitia pinched her nose. “That stench is so strong, it’s like air pollution.”

Shela was so angry her face twisted, “Don’t play dumb with me. I know it was you who bagged me, beat me up, and dumped me in a garbage truck. No one else would pull this kind of stunt on me!”

“You’re spitting venom without proof. Do you have any evidence?”

“None! But it was definitely you, it had to be!”

Letitia just shrugged, “Seems like you’re slinging mud at me. Even you said you had a bag over your head, you couldn’t see a thing. Shela, you can’t just throw dirt on people like that”

Vidonia hit the nail on the head. Battling Shela was a contest of wills and shamelessness. Trying to reason with her proved to be an exercise in futility

“We can find out! Shela turned to Elgin, “Mr. Ramirez, you’re definitely capable of doing it, get someone to dig up the evidence, leave her speechless.”

Elgin just pursed his lips, silent.

Letitia responded, “I was at the company all day, spent the afternoon with Ms. Bailey, I have both alibis and evidence.”

“You and that Vidonia are thick as thieves, of course she’d take your side!”

“Come on, she’s not only my friend but also my boss. She wouldn’t join me in something this ludicrous.”

Shela was stumped, but she wasn’t about to swallow this bitter pill without a fight, stomping her foot, “Mr. Ramirez, you have to help


“Got it” Elgin replied nonchalantly, “you’re a mess, go clean up first.”

Shela nodded reluctantly

Letitia struggled to keep a straight face, not to give herself away. But inside, she felt damn good.

“Childish, Elgin said with a side glance.

“Who are you calling childish?”

“You,” he raised an eyebrow, “Is messing with people fun for you? Just because she recorded something and tattled to me, you retaliate like this?”

Letitia clenched her teeth. He saw right through her, knowing she was behind it. But so what? She wouldn’t admit it, and no one could touch her for it!

“It wasn’t me.” Letitia blinked innocently, “I was with Vidonia the whole time, busy working, brainstorming about the design elements of Ramirez Romantica’. I had no time for such pranks.”

Vidonia was under Samson’s protection. For the sake of his friend, Elgin wouldn’t mess with her lightly. So Shela was definitely taking

the fall!

But Shela, banking on Elgin’s indulgence, kept making a fuss. Elgin, annoyed to no end, finally said, “Go to the Ramirez Group tomorrow and ask Vidonia yourself.

And sure enough Shela did go. She had once abducted Letitia in front of company colleagues, making quite the scene at the Ramirez Group So.. the moment she showed up at the “Ramirez Romantica Jewelry Department, everyone scattered like startled birds


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