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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61

He meticulously tucked her damp hair behind her ear, his fingers gently caressing her cheek.

“Mr. Ramirez

It was as if he didn’t hear her, his eyes locked on Letitia.

It wasn’t until the ambulance came to the scene that he stood, scooping her up and rushing to the hospital. Elgin seemed to have forgotten that he too was drenched to the bone.

As the doctors wheeled Letitia into the ER, they asked, “Did she fall into water?”

“Yes,” Elgin replied.

“Does she have any acute medical conditions we need to know about? Family needs to inform us

He paused. When it came to Letitia’s health, he was clueless.

The doctor pressed, “Spit it out, we need to move fast”

Elgin finally said, “She’s… pregnant.”

The doctor paused, then nodded

Then the door clanged shut.

Standing at the ER door, Elgin was dripping wet, water steadily falling from his sleeves

“Mr. Ramirez, I’ve brought you some dry clothes, you should change…”

“No need,” he waved off the offer, “I’m waiting for her to come out.”

“But you…”

Elgin frowned coldly, “Zip it.”

Suddenly, the ER doors opened and the doctor stepped out, “What’s your relation to Letitia?”

“I’m her husband”

“She’s currently unconscious. We’ve drained the water from her lungs, but… the baby is in danger,” the doctor explained, “So, we need a family member to sign off on the procedures.”

Elgin didn’t move an inch

The child wasn’t his. Even if it wasn’t Walden’s, there was no reason for him to keep it.

Elgin could take this chance to get rid of the baby. But at that moment, what flashed through Elgin’s mind was Letitia’s look of despair.

Even at the bottom of the lake, her hand was on her lower abdomen. If he got rid of this baby, how heartbroken would she be when she woke up?

Elgin didn’t realize it, but he was already caring about Letitia’s feelings.

“Mr. Ramirez, Mr. Ramirez?” the doctor urged, “We’re in a time crunch here.”

The butler beside him tensed as well. The life or death of this child hinged on a single thought from Mr. Ramirez.

After a long moment, Elgin spoke, “Do everything to save the child.”

“Understood,” the doctor confirmed

Elgin bowed his head and quickly signed his name.

“Letitia, you’ve won,” Elgin thought, “In your own way, you’ve made me surrender”

It wasn’t until the dead of night that the lights in the ER went off, and the nurses wheeled out Letitia’s bed to transfer her to the VIP ward. Half-awake, Letitia kept murmuring, “My baby, my baby…” She wasn’t afraid to die, but her child was innocent, stirring feelings of guilt and regret within her

Her constant murmuring left her restless, her brows deeply furrowed.

“Your baby is fine Elgin stood by the bed, speaking softly

Perhaps hearing his words. Letitia gradually calmed down

Elgin stood silently for a long while, only leaving as dawn approached.

remained in a deep slumber.

Returning to Ivory Towers, he hadn’t even reached the door when he heard Shela’s voice, “Where’s Mr. Ramirez? Have you all gone mute? Why isn’t he home early in the moming! And not answering his phone! Do you know who I am!”

Her arrogant attitude made Elgin frown.

He walked into the living room, and Shela spotted him instantly, joyfully running over, “Mr. Ramirez… Eh? Why are you all wer

After a night, Elgin’s clothes were half-dry.

Shela reached out to touch him, but Elgin brushed her off and strode upstairs.


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