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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63

He was even holding back a cough with all his might!

In the emergency room, the doctor asked, “What happened?”

“Got bitten by a stray cat.”

“Take off your shirt so I can treat the wound properly.”

Eigin did as told, and the young nurse holding the tray blushed at the sight of his upper body.

He, however, didn’t bat an eyelid.

After a quick glance, the doctor began dressing Elgin’s wound, “Whoa there, what kind of stray cat is this? These bite marks are obviously human.”

“You can tell?”

“Neat rows of teeth marks? It’s pretty obvious,” the doctor replied.

Elgin cleared his throat, “Yeah, it was a person.”

“Who’s got such a beef with you to bite that hard?”

“My wife.”

The doctor paused, “Sounds like you’re dealing with a tigress!”

Everyone in the vicinity chuckled, and even Elgin couldn’t help but crack a smile, “A tigress with neat teeth, that is.”

“Treat your wife better, after all, she’s the one you’re walking through life with, the doctor said. “You got a cold? I’ll prescribe some medicine for you.”


Back at the Ramirez Group, Elgin headed for the elevator and bumped into Samson and Vidonia.

Vidonia kept mum. Given her position, she should have greeted Elgin, the big boss.

“Gin, what a coincidence, Samson greeted him. “I was just looking for you.”

“Same here

“Talk about being in sync. You go first.”

But Elgin looked at Vidonia, “Letitia’s alone at the hospital, you should head over…”

Before he could finish, Vidonia went ballistic, “What? Hospital?! She’s been gone from the office for half a day and now she’s at the hospital? Elgin, what did you do to her!”

“Are you going or not?”

“Of course, I’m going! With a huff, Vidonia stormed off.

“What’s the deal? Letitia’s in the hospital and you look like you’ve been through the wringer, Samson questioned. “You two argue as frequently as clockwork.

Elgin replied, “Women are like that.”

“If you tell me that someone married Vidonia and they have daily disputes, I’d totally buy it. But Letitia’s temperament… she’s not the arguing type.”

“Heh, easy for you to say, you’re not the one in pain!”

Letitia doesn’t argue? Her tongue is sharper than anyone’s!

‘Man, she’s known for her sweet temper at work, Samson continued, “but somehow, she doesn’t click with you. Maybe you should reflect on your own issues.”

Elgin raised an eyebrow, “Me? I have issues?”

Totally. She gets along with everyone but you. If it’s not on you, then who?”

Elgin’s face tumed stone cold. He always felt that everyone around was siding with Letitia, whether it was the butler or Samson.

What kind of charm did Letitia have to make them all want to back her up?

After coughing twice, Elgin said, ‘I’m planning to take over Sullivan Group’s Sunbeam Gems. It’s gonna be a busy time, so be ready!

Samson’s jaw nearly hit the floor, “What?! Now?

start today Don’t drop the ball.”

“Can’t we slow down a bit?” Samson asked. “Jewelry Department is just getting off the ground, there are tons to do, plus managing the Lim division. Speaking of which, you should know…”

Samson started to ramble on about Shela’s shortcomings, clearly frustrated.



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