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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68

She had just stepped out of the company when she spotted Walden standing by the roadside.

Letitia was taken aback. What was he doing here?

She glanced back and locked eyes with Elgin, who strode over to her and said, “Are you that scared of me hurting him?”

*L.. just wanted to check if you were following.”

Elgin snorted coidly, reached out, and wrapped his arm around her waist, heading straight for Walden.

Letitia tried to wriggle free, but the tighter he gripped, the harder it became for her to breathe.

Walden stood there, silent as a statue.

His face still bore the marks of a beating, patches of black and blue courtesy of Elgin’s fists.

“What are you doing here?” Elgin asked indifferently, “Come to throw in the towel?”

Walden first looked at Letitia and then at Elgin’s hand on her waist.

After a long pause, he said, “I know you’ll definitely take over Sunbeam Gems, making me lose face in front of the board of the Sullivan Group.

“Good that you understand.”

Walden’s face showed signs of weariness. But he just smiled calmly, not a hint of panic, which really irked Elgin, Walden should be begging him, not the other way around.

“Elgin, by getting rid of me, you haven’t solved the real problem, Walden said. “You think you’ve won, but you’ve actually lost big time.”

Elgin’s expression turned icy

“What you should be doing is taking good care of Letitia. Not driving away everyone around her until she’s left with no one but you.”

Walden’s smile grew wider, and Elgin’s aura of menace began to surface.

Still, Walden continued, clearly not afraid to die, “Do you think this will make her depend on you? No, it’ll only make her hate you more You’ve closed off her world and forced yourself to be her everything. That’s not love; that’s sickness.”


“Yeah, a mental disorder, Walden replied. ‘Elgin, you’ve never really understood love, have you?”

Elgin scoffed coldly. There are plenty of women who’d kill to be with me!”

“Do they love you? Do they love you, or love your money? And you, do you love them?”

“Walden, shut up! Letitia felt anxious for him. Walden was really pushing his luck, standing up to Elgin like this. He was asking for trouble!

“Elgin, I just want to tell you. If you love Letitia, you should cherish her, Walden said, “Otherwise, by the time you look back for her, she won’t be there anymore… just like I once lost her

“She will always be mine.”

“You can hold onto a person, but not their heart.”

Elgin turned to Letitia, “Really? Where is your heart?”

Letitia looked down at her toes. “My heart is with me, and no one has taken it.”

“Letitia…” Walden tried to say more, but Letitia cut him off, “You better go

She was powerless in the takeover matter, Elgin wouldn’t listen to her.

She just hoped it wouldn’t be a devastating blow to Walden

Although Sunbeam Gems was gone, the Sullivan Group was still there, and surely Walden’s parents would have plans for their son.

Letitia thought, Walden should find a girl who’s a good match, settle down, and start over

He still had endless possibilities. And her… Letitia glanced at Elgin by her side. In this lifetime, she had no idea when she would be able to escape this sea of suffering.

“Alright, Walden nodded. Take care, Letitia

She nodded vigorously back at him, “After you leave the Sullivan Group… where will you go?*

Maybe abroad, to clear my head and get some air”


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