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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7

It was indeed a small world when enemies crossed paths.

Letitia glanced sideways and found Phedra and Raizel sitting by the window and staring her down in unison. She instantly made for the door, knowing it wasn’t the place to stick around.

But Raizel wasn’t about to let her off the hook that easily!

“Hey! You dirty cleaner, hold up! Raizel marched over and yanked Letitia to Phedra “Phedra, what did you just call her?

“Mrs. Ramirez, duh!”

“What? She she’s Elgin’s newlywed wife?”

Phedra nodded in confirmation Yep I saw her myself when I dropped off soup for Elgin at Ivory Towers No mistake about it!”

Elgin had her back then, leaving Phedra with a taste of her own medicine

Phedra, being small-minded, still held a grudge, plotting to get even someday!

“Aah!” Raizel shrieked, nearly blowing the roof off. It means she’s that bitch?

“But Raizel, why did you call her a cleaner?”

“Because I saw her mopping floors at the Ramirez Group.

Phedra was skeptical. “For real?”

Raizel recounted the whole thing, adding, “And Elgin didn’t lift a finger to help her!

Things were looking grim for Letitia then.

Keeping her cool, she shrugged off Raizel’s hand. “You’ve got the wrong person.

“Impossible’ It was you! Raizel insisted, “I saw you down on your knees and shining shoes clear as day!”

“Ms Morris, maybe you should check your eyes at the hospital.” With that, Letitia attempted to leave

Phedra blocked her way this time. “Fine, let’s say Raizel made a mistake. But I’m your mother-in-law, right? You can’t even say hello when you see me?”

“Phedra, I didn’t recognize..

Phedra shot her a knowing look.

As a seasoned schemer, Phedra had quickly sized up the situation. It couldn’t be more evident that this Mrs. Ramirez was not the favored one. Or why would she be shining Raizel’s shoes without Elgin backing her up?

Since Phedra married into the Ramirez family, Elgin had never liked her and always been at odds with her. So what she saw was probably a show staged for her by Elgin!

“Now that you’re here, Phedra dragged Letitia to sit beside her, “spend some time with us.”

“I have other matters to attend to, Phedra.”

“What did you call me?”

Letitia replied, “Mr Ra.. my husband calls you that way, too.”

She hadn’t forgotten Elgin had made her slap herself for apologizing to Phedra. It was evident that Elgin couldn’t stand his stepmother

“Getting all high and mighty now, aren’t you?” Phedra spat venomously, “Who the hell do you think you are?

actly you’re not allowed to call Elgin husband’

Caleface turned stone cold. I say it one more time I’m leaving. Or I will call the cops.”

Back in the mental hospital she had to make herself lock tough to avoid getting bullied. The same tactic worked

Chapter 7

wonders on Phedra and Ralzell

Letitia didn’t look back as she walked out. But to her surprise, as she reached the curb, Phedra had chased after her With Raizel’s help, she grabbed Letitia’s arms and dragged her toward a car

“Let go!” she yelled to passersby, “Help! Help me!”

Phedra smirked. “She’s my daughter-in-law and had fought with my son. I’m taking her home…”

Hearing it, onlookers turned away, not wanting to get involved.

Letitia was no match for the strength of two and was hauled into the car

“Now, see how tough and arrogant you can bel Phedra pinched her hard. “I’m gonna teach you a lesson today!”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Letitia retorted, “Elgin won’t let you get away with this!

With a smug expression, Raizel retorted, “Would Elgin offend the Morris family for a lowly cleaner like you?”

“In your dreams! Phedra cut in, reinforcing Raizel’s words.


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