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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 32

Today was Zayd’s last day here, and it was Quinn’s as well…she’d made up her mind to go back with him…to become his mate and luna.

However, he was the only one who knew of her decision…she hadn’t told her beloved father, her mother, or her sister. The pack was in the dark as well, and so was Jeo.

She’d told him that saying goodbye would be hard, and he’d agreed to leave her side for the day, to give her the personal space she needed to hand out her regards to the people she’d grown up with.

And Quinn was thankful…she knew she’d cry, especially while looking into her father’s eyes, and she did not want Zayd to see such an ugly side of her.

She was still skeptical though, whenever she had big decisions to make, she’d always talked to that one person she’d considered a sister, that girl she once thought she could trust. But now they had drifted so far apart that Quinn didn’t know if they could ever have a civil conversation.

Nevertheless, from the start, she’d been the one Quinn wanted to say goodbye to first, she was the easiest person to talk to and no matter what, they were sisters; blood related sisters.

Quinn took a breath as she stepped out of her room. She’d been lazing around since morning with the same headache that has been bothering her for the past few days. It was now an ordinary pain, something she had become accustomed to.

Her feet took her to the living room, where her mother and her father sat watching the television. “I’m going for a walk…I’ll be back in a few.”

“Okay…” Derrick agreed, and as soon she turned to walk away, her mother’s voice stopped her. “Uh…Quinn…”

Her name still sounded so weird falling off her mother’s lips, but it always made butterflies wander around in her head. “Yes...m-mom?”

“You haven’t eaten yet, have you?”

Quinn shook her head. Ever since that morning at the dining table, she’d been acting out of pattern and though Quinn knew her mother was only making moves to destroy her, she still stood by like a knight in a game of chess; protecting her. “I haven’t, but I’m not hungry now…I’ll eat dinner later.”

Quinn continued on her way out, pocketing her hands and trying her best to keep a nonchalant temperament…

It was foolish, to protect the person who only wanted to hurt you…but Quinn loved her mother too much to turn away from the smiles and the kind gestures…she missed these moments, she couldn’t have it all just waste away.

Opening the front door, she stepped outside into the cold breeze that blew against the trees and against the healthy green grass around the house. The surrounding bushes were lively too, billowing softly along with the wind.

Quinn stepped off the porch, walking her way out into the open. She took a path that she knew, one she was awfully acquainted with, and she didn’t stop until she stood in front of a house.

It was big; two stories, painted in yellow and white. There were three rooms inside; a master bedroom, a guest room and a vacant room that had been put aside in case a child were to come into the picture…


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