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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 33

After Quinn’s conversation with Delilah, she’d left for Jeo’s office. Before leaving the pack tonight, a meeting had to be held in order to inform the pack members of her sudden departure, and it could only be called by the alpha.

Thus, why she had to tell him; so he could arrange it.

However, on her way here, she kept wondering how he’d feel about her decision, how he’d react to her words. But did it even matter? Whether or not he approved, she’d leave.

There was nothing here for her…

Lifting her hand out of her pocket, she knocked twice on his office door, then twisted it open. Her eyes searched for him behind his desk before she even stepped inside.

As expected, he was there, buried deep into whatever it was he was reading.

Quinn stepped inside, closing the door behind her. “Alpha…?”

“Quinn, I thought I told to take some time off. Niphrone isn’t something to play around with.”

“I’m better now and besides, I only came here to tell you something important.”

“And what’s that?” He looked up from his desk, hand clenching around the pen he held. “Speak…”

“I…I’m leaving, it’s tradition for the dominant wolf to prepare a place for their mates and well, Zayd is…what I mean is…I’m leaving with Alpha Zayd.”

“I knew you were gonna say something like this. You can leave, but you won’t be happy, Quinn. Your home will always be with me, so avoid the trauma by staying. It might all seem like a fairytale now, but it will all start falling apart soon. You’ll see that the alpha king is even worse than I am…a stronger man has a stronger pride.”

His words almost had Quinn faltering, but she didn’t.

Twisting back towards the door, she grabbed onto the knob. “Let me see this through till the end. If this ever falls apart like you say, I’ll be the one to get hurt, so keep your fake concern to yourself and arrange the meeting tonight.”

And with that, she walked outside, heaving a breath as soon as the door closed. She rushed down the path to the marketplace, scared that he’d follow her and somehow, instead of home, she ended up by the tree with her name on it.

She fell against the rough bark, breathing hard and heavy. Was she…was she really making the right decision? Jeo sounded so sure of his words, was there something he knew about Zayd that she didn’t?

No, that wasn’t the case…he knew she was vulnerable and scared, so he was trying to use it against her. She wasn’t going to fall for it…no matter what he said or did, she was leaving tonight…

To live and to be happy…she had to leave…

In an attempt to calm herself down, Quinn tried to stabilize her breaths by deepening them. Zayd said he’d never hurt her, he’d promised not to abandon her, and she believed him. He was an alpha king, a man of his words…he wouldn’t betray her like Jeo did.

Sliding down against the tree, she took a seat against the strong roots that surfaced…sitting there until the morning sky darkened into that of the evening.

Her aching head was full of thoughts…she had so much on her plate; her mother, her sister, Jeo and now she was wallowing in doubt. She’d been sure yesterday and the day before, but right now, she wasn’t sure anymore.

Must she wait a while longer? This decision seemed like one too big to be made in a day or two. She needed some advice, she needed to speak to her father.


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