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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 34

“What is it that’s bothering you, my sweetheart?”

The smile on her lips wasn’t as loving and gentle as her touch, and yet, Quinn smiled back. “I’m leaving tonight…you might already know this, but Zayd is my second chance mate, I’ll be leaving with him.”

Her smile faltered immediately, the fake curve against her lips disappeared as though it wasn’t even there, and her gentle hands that had held Quinn’s face fell against the soft cushion of the couch. “What…? When…? So soon?”

“It’s not soon, Kathrine…it’s something you and I both expected. He’s a good man, a better Alpha than Jeo, even though you don’t need my approval, you have it, Quinn.”

“B-But she…they just met.”

“When we just met Kathrine, we were already thinking of making babies. It’s never too soon or too late. Go and be happy Quinn, I might even come visit you from time to time…Zayd owes me a couple games of cards anyway.”

Quinn turned to her father, smiling faintly. “You don’t think I’m rushing it?”

“No honey…if anything it took you too long…I’ve been waiting to see my grandchildren for a while now. Quit playing around and give them to me.”

Quinn chuckled, taking another sip of the water before placing it against the center table and getting up. “I threw out a couple of clothes on the bed, I’ll go pack them now and get ready for my speech at the meeting tonight.”

“Alright…” Derrick muttered in agreement, and Quinn took a step forward, almost falling down as soon as she did. The one step had everything around her spinning, her world now as she saw it was a blur…the poison, it was acting up again…but why? She hadn’t eaten anythi…

Quinn stopped mid-thought, looking back at the glass of water on the table…that had to be it.

Glancing up from the glass, she stared at her mother, who stared back at her with an expression she could not see clearly. She felt betrayed all over again, and she felt like a fool for still wanting to protect such a woman.

Looking away, she continued to walk, torturing herself to make it to her room door. Every step took a toll on her, her wolf was rolling in her chest, drowning in so much pain.

Its whimpers were pitiful, pitiful and weak.

Quinn grabbed onto the knob, barely managing to push the door open. As soon as it opened, she stepped inside, slamming the door shut so her dad couldn’t see as she suffered beneath the wickedness of her mother.

She fell against the bed, feeling dizzy, feeling hot. She felt as though she was going into heat, but it wasn’t supposed to be this week, it was supposed to be the next…this shouldn’t be happening, not yet…

A groan left her lips as the clothes she wore burnt her skin, and as slick pooled significantly in her drawers.

She wanted to be touched, desperately, but it was one man that she wanted.


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