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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 20

Nyx's Pov

             Our gazes met, my own sad green orbs filled with fear meeting his dark eyes void of emotions. He assessed my features for a while with a frown on his face before looking away like I was insignificant.

of course, you are insignificant to him!

"You may sit." The Beta chirped sassily like she was in charge and I could have sworn that I heard willow snort.

They both approached the table as we sat, still entangled with each arms in arms and I grew nervous as they got nearer.

Lycus walked to the seat opposite me and drew it out for the Beta to sit. My heart lurched at this gesture. She sent him a flirty smile before taking her seat which she did while sending me a cold glare.

He took his seat next and I felt my insides flutter at the close proximity within us. He was so near and the urge to reach out and smooth his brows which were etched in a frown was strong.

"Mother." He cleared his throat, "Can we talk outside before breakfast starts?" He asked her and I knew he wanted to talk about me being at the table.

"Not now Lycus." She said sending him a smile, "Whatever you have to talk about can wait dear boy." I knew she was trying to avoid the conversation.

There was a brief silence at the table, no one saying anything and from the look on Lycus and Helena's faces, I could tell that they were mindlinking.

My stomach growled embarrassingly disrupting the silence and Lycus sent me a glare. I hid my head in shame.

"Ohh, we have a hungry one." The beta snorted, "Shall we eat?" She said clapping her hands and servants began to swim in coming our sides to help us in dishing the food.


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