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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 28

Nyx's pov

Dammit! I cursed inwardly as he turned around and stormed back into the castle. He looked pretty pissed, okay that is an understatement. He looked mad, he was raging. The way his facial expression was and his clenched jaw wasn't really enough to display his rage.

"Why do you look like you have seen a ghost?" My attention was taken back to Andros as I felt him run his fingers on my chin caressing it, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, I am." I cleared my throat standing up from my spot with my heart beating fast, "I had better go find Amara, it's getting quite late."

"Where can I find you Nyx?" He said standing up too, "Would love to spend the rest of the evening with you."

I gave him a stunned expression as I didn't know if to tell him where my room was or not.

What if Lycus saw us together again? What if he got angrier? What if he kills me or Andros? My face paled at my thoughts as my heart continued racing, what does he care? He doesn't want you remember? He almost rejected you! He is mating with someone else soon.

"Well…" Andros began to talk, "Are you going to say something?" He asked looking at me intently, "You seem to be in deep thoughts, you do not want us meeting?"

"No, it's not that." I sighed, "I  don't quite know how to describe my room yet, so I can't really give you details."

"That wouldn't be a problem." He said with a smirk as he suddenly pulled me into a hug. He bent his face to my neck sniffing in my scent, "Hmmm." He hummed, "You smell nice love." He said pulling me away from him.

"Why did you do that?" I asked puzzled.

"I have memorised your scent now, I wouldn't have issues finding you." He smiled before placing a kiss on my forehead.

My heart fluttered at his gesture, "I have to go now." He said, "See you later Nyx." He gave me one last look before skipping on his way back into the castle.

"Bye." I said whispering after his retreating figure. I left there after a while and went on my way to find Amara with hopes of me not bumping into my mate.


            I haven't seen Lycus for the past few days now, he didn't come to meet me or send for me. Even when I took walks in the pack surroundings, I didn't see him. It was as if he was avoiding me.

"You do not seem to be watching the movie." Willow said drawing my attention back to the TV screen, "What's bothering you, you look confused."

"It's nothing." I said waving her off as I didn't know if to let her in on what was happening.

She rolled her eyes, took the remote and put off the Television, "We are best friends for a reason." She said and the phrase 'Best friends' was still very foreign to me, "Spill."

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