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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 3

Nyx's pov

Guilt had never eaten me up this much, the first time I ever felt this way was when my now late father had constantly reminded me that I was the cause of my mother's death. She had died bearing me and now, all pack members made an effort to taunt me about how I was the cause of my father's death.-

It's been weeks since Alpha Titan had snapped his neck killing him, weeks since I was left outside on the open grounds to mourn my loss, weeks since I had been beating myself up and being distant from everyone, including Amara, Hera and myself.

Hera was in a state of mourning too. Despite the fact that she had hated him for putting us through shit, he was still our father and she felt a sense of grief knowing that he was gone.

Amara didn't really know what was going on, it didn't affect her that her grandpa had died. He had been a total stranger to her and he barely even recalled her name, she only knew she had a dead grandma.

My fingers felt numb from kneading the flour repeatedly, the pack members had suddenly stated that they desired British meat pies today and scones after tossing away the mouth watering pancakes I had made. Well, it was their loss, I would pick up the pancakes later for my daughter and I to eat.

I tried focusing on making the dough to perfection and not let grief and sadness distract me.

I got my hands off the dough and turned to the cooker only to see that the filling for the meat pies that I had been preparing was burning. I quickly put off the cooker and in panic, I picked up the hot pot, it burned my hands and I dropped the pot immediately. It fell to the ground with a clank spilling it's contents on the floor

I feelt a harsh blow dealt on my back sending me to the ground, my face hit the burnt pot as I fell and I screamed in agony as I felt my face burn.

The pain was searing.

"You bitch!" A hand  grabbed my hair pulling me up, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

It was the Beta's mate, Nora. Another person who made an effort in ensuring that my life was miserable and it seemed her cruelty only heightened with her pregnancy.

"Apart from spreading your legs, what else are you good at?" She hissed,"Burning meat pie fillings?"

"Let me go Nora." I struggled trying to pull her hands off me but my efforts were in vain. She slapped me across the face again where my skin had burnt.

"How dare you talk to me like that?!" She barked, "Do you know how expensive foodstuff are?" She asked with a dry laugh, "Oh no, you don't! You are so wretched you can't afford shit!" She said to me, "Wait till the Alpha hears of how you wasted and burnt food." She pushed me and I landed on the floor right on the spilled filling.

Let me handle this bitch! Hera growled.


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