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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 31

Nyx's pov

My eyes shot upon as the splash of freezing cold water met me. The light streaming in from the open door burned my eyes since I was already used to pitch black darkness, I squeezed my eyes shut at the scorching effect of the light.

"Wake up you accursed mutt!" I heard a growl followed with a slap across my face. I opened my eyes and came face to face with the person before me. He was one of the guards whom had dragged me out of Lycus's office, "You die today!" He barked at me.

I growled at him instead of whimpering which took him aback, a sudden surge of power rushed through me and I growled louder struggling against the silver cuffs. There was something in me that wanted to unleash fury unto him, I felt powerful but then I couldn't unleash it, it was like I was being held back by a force and I got weaker with this force. Soon, the power died and my head fell back against the wall with my hands going limp, my breathing was quickened.

The guard who has looked scared out of his wits broke into full blown laughter, "You thought you could attack me?" He punched my face the impact turning my head to the side, "Weak omega! You shall meet your end today!" He spat before walking out of the cell, he closed the door and I was met with darkness again.

Nyx? Are you okay? Hera asked me, what is happening to us? What are they going to do to us?

I am fine Hera, I said even though I was not, my body ached and I felt strained from the sudden surge of power that I couldn't let out, Did you feel that? That power when the guard was here?

Yes, I did, She said, I felt like I could break through these chains and rip his head off his body but I couldn't let it out.

I felt the same way too, I wonder what it was?

Maybe it's related to... Hera never got to finish her sentence as the door swung open again, several guards came in with the scariest of looks on their faces. I whimpered at their sight, they approached me and the silver cuffs were loosened, I fell to the ground with dirt staining my body.

They picked me up muttering profanities as they dragged me out if the cell. The roughness of the ground pricked my skin leaving injuries and I was beginning to get bruised.

"Where are you taking me?" I struggled against them screaming, "What are you going to do with me? I am innocent? Where is my daughter?! Let me go I beg off you!" I yelled crying but they all turned deaf ears and dragged me outside the dungeons.

"Keep talking and we would tie you to the horses to drag you on the earth all the way to the hearing like the scum you are!" A guard spat on me and I kept mute. I was hurled into an iron cart that was attached to the steeds, other guards entered the cart with me. Silver cuffs were placed on my hand and one of them signalled to the cart rider and he began to move.

We rode away from the castle grounds, through the forest, deeper into it and through the ride, i cried silently while Hera whimpered in my head as we both wondered what our fate would be. The carriage stopped and I was brought down. We walked a short distance before we came to an ancient building, I was dragged through the gates and pushed to an open clearing. I heard boos and shouts instantly, I looked up to discern my surroundings. I was in something like an open stadium only that the clearing was circular, there were seats around it which were filled with the royal pack members who couldn't stop hurling insults at me. In the middle of the clearing was a large podium which housed some seats, I was met with familiar faces of members at the breakfast table and of course the Beta, laya.

"Move mutt!" The guards pushed me leading me to the podium and as I ascended the boos increased.

"Witch! Traitor! Harlot!" And all sort of insults were thrown at me. I climbed onto the podium and saw my daughter standing there crying.

"Baby!" I yelled pulling myself from the guards and rushing towards her, I threw my cuffed hands around her and she hugged me back crying.

"Mummy, they want to kill you." She sobbed, "They took fluffy away." She cried louder.

I was dragged away from her by the guards causing her to fall on her back. She stood up trying to follow me and she latched onto one of them biting him on his leg. He yelped kicking her aside and she fell back, "Stay put mutt!" He growled at her, "Put your bastard in place." He yelled at me and I gave Amara a soft look. She walked back to where she had been standing. I was dragged before the pack elders and made to drop on my knees with my head bowed.

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