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The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf novel Chapter 2

The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf
Chapter 2

Quietly preparing the platter, I hear a loud thump; someone is angry. I'm just glad I'm in here and not out there with all that commotion. I pull my hood up to hide my bruised eye. I can't cover my split lip so figure I'll just bite over my lip to hide it when needed.

After approaching the counter, I ask the first man for his order; I avoid eye contact and keep my head down for all the orders. All these guys sound very grumpy and annoyed. Jim comes over to me.

‘Alpha, I mean Ryker, over there, would like a vanilla milkshake with some cookies.’ I nod and write down the order; I have served everyone except for Ryker.

Lifting a big platter of biscuits and dips, I wince with the weight in one hand; my broken rib is under strain. Ryker stares at me.

Pausing for a moment, I inhale a deep breath and hold it, to brace myself for the pain, lift the platter again and put it on the table where most of the men sit. In the kitchen, I exhale while keeping my hand pressed against my ribs. Shit! Ryker's order. Quickly walking to him to serve him his order, he stares directly at me and squints; wondering what or who is under my hood.

All the other men are shouting over each other about some guy named Zenith, and a town called Shady Crest, and something about rogues, which is strange because Jim referred to me as a rogue earlier. A map is sprawled across the table in front of Ryker; the men are drawing circles and squiggly lines on various parts of it and talking about setting up posts here and there.

I’m suddenly feeling really nervous, as the diner becomes quiet and all eyes are on me; I could sense them on me. I nervously place the milkshake and the plate of cookies on the table next to the map.

‘Milk and cookies sir,’ I say, softly.

‘Wait,’ Ryker says, before I can leave his table. ‘What is wrong with your ribs?’ Ryker asks.

‘Nothing sir,’ I reply, wondering how he knew I was in pain.

‘You struggled to hold the platter; it’s causing you pain,’ he observes. ‘Why do you smell so strongly of vanilla and cookies?’ He asks.

‘It might be the vanilla milk and the cookies,’ I say, turning in the direction of the kitchen.

‘Remove your hood rogue!’ He demands. I freeze; I look at Jim for help.

‘Astrid, go and have your break love. Ryker, I told you to leave her out of all this.’ I run to the kitchen and out the back door.

‘She should smell like a rogue if she is a rogue. She smells like vanilla and cookies,’ Alpha Ryker declares.

‘She literally just served you a milkshake and cookies,’ Jim explains. Alpha Ryker lets out a growl and glares at Jim.

‘I could smell her before she served me. My wolf is extremely restless right now. I'm struggling to keep him back,’ Ryker explains, holding his chest.

Everyone in the diner freezes, looks at each other and back at Alpha Ryker.

‘What?’ Alpha Ryker yells. His Beta wolf, Seth, stands up.

‘Alpha, you don't seriously think she could be your mate, do you?’ Seth asks. Alpha Ryker laughs.

‘I would never be mated with a rogue. I’m an Alpha. It's unheard of. The Moon Goddess matching an Alpha and a rogue? Don’t be ridiculous,’ Alpha Ryker says.

My breathing finally slows down. My watch reads 8:45pm. In fifteen minutes, I can go home. Hopefully Dad will be passed out drunk. I go back inside and wash up all the cups, mugs, and plates. The men leave the diner, and I breathe a sigh of relief, as I hear all of their car doors slamming. My body relaxes knowing they have gone. Thinking Jim is behind me, I am just about to tell him that I’m leaving as well, but it isn’t Jim standing behind me. It’s Alpha Ryker.

I avoid making eye contact with him; I’m aware my hood could fall at any moment, revealing the abuse I suffer on a daily basis. His breathing is very noticeable.

‘I'm sorry sir. My shift is over. If you need anything else, please see Jim,’ I say, gently. His arm suddenly barricades the space between me and my exit, as he presses his palm against the wall. I jump back in fright.

‘Remove your hood,’ he demands. I shake my head.

‘No. Jim! Jim!’ I yell, as I try to move backward. I’m suddenly pressed against the wall with nowhere else to go. I’m trapped between his body and the brickwork in one swift movement. He leans over me before planting both of his hands either side of my face.

‘Jim is busy saying goodbye to his pack members out front. He thinks I've already left,’ Ryker whispers, twirling my long brown hair in his fingers. He inhales my scent.

‘You smell so good; even my wolf is struggling to stay calm,’ he confesses.

‘You, you, have a pet wolf?’ I’m crying and scared. Ryker laughs at my question.

‘Are you frightened of me Astrid?’ He asks. I nod.

‘Well, if you are what my senses are telling me you are, and also a rogue, then you should be scared. I don't know if I could have a rogue as my mate and my pack might not want one as their Luna,’ he explains.


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