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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 72

Caleb’s Point of View

Well, this is turning into such a lovely day, I think to myself sarcastically. I had already been anxious to see how Daphne was going to react to seeing Alpha Noah today. I had never considered the possibility that there was any potential for anyone to find a mate at this meeting. This was not a huge social gathering, nor a ball.

Now I have a visiting Alpha that thinks Hannah is his mate. I have a ticked off Beta and his mate is acting like an overly ferocious momma bear. My mate is commanding people in a tone that is making Alpha’s bend to her will, and I have no idea how she is doing that. I have Hannah that seems both terrified and intrigued that Axle has declared she is his mate. Oh, and the really kicker to the wonderful assortment of problems I have a jealous guard, that is also another peculiar wolf. I feel a migraine coming on as I watch Brandon lead an Alpha into the warrior’s quarters. This meeting is falling apart before everyone has even arrived.

“Special meeting now, before anyone else shows up or any more damage is done.” I swiftly command my family that is on the front porch. I send Brandon a mind l**k commanding his presence as soon as he has the Alpha in a room. I lead them quickly into the house and up to my office. Wolves have very sensitive hearing, but my office is soundproof. A literal bomb could go off in there and no one would hear it.

The fear and worry in me is turning to rage, and as I stomp into my office, I pick up the mug on my desk and hurl it at the wall. Watching the ceramic burst into a few shards and dust eased some of it, but also made me want to break more. I noticed everyone was inside except Brandon and the door was closed.

“Well, this is a perfect start to this visit.” I know that my voice is loud, and I am growling. “Theo how in the hell could Axle think that Hannah is his mate?” I do not give him time to answer as I continue ranting. “She is not even eighteen yet, mates cannot detect each other until they are of age. This is preposterous and unheard of.” I have been pacing behind my desk and as I turn, I catch sight of Daphne. “You, and how could you bend the will of an Alpha huh? I am one of the strongest and even I was compelled to follow your commands. Did you know that you could do that? Is this something else you have been keeping from me like your counselor?” Crap I knew I went too far when Daphne burst into tears. In fact, looking around the room I could see that my anger had gotten way out of control.

I allowed my fear for my family and my pack to cloud the way I spoke to the ones I love the most. Daphne is now in tears; Hannah looks ready to burst into tears. Theo is shaking his head at me, and Scarlett is glaring at me as if I am the lowest of traitors. Seeing the hurt I have caused them makes me instantly disgusted with myself.

I stop pacing and place both hands on my desk, taking a few deep breaths as I bow my head to them. “Guys I am sorry. I did not mean to allow my anger to get the best of me.” I look up at each of them sincerely apologizing for the way I handled the situation. “The truth is I am scared out of my mind at the moment. No one else knows about our peculiar wolves, and unfortunately there was enough weird crap that just happened that Alpha Axle or his Beta may start to question things.” Silence hung in the room as my words sank in. I watched Daphne’s eyes go wide, Theo took a more defensive stance in front of Hannah, and Hannah burrowed into Scarlett’s side more.

“We have never been in a position like this before. For years Theo and I have concealed the particular wolves that we have discovered. I never wanted anyone to try to get to them, to use them as weapons, or kill them for sport.” I take a ragged breath knowing that I am being completely open and vulnerable right now. “Theo, do you know of any stories of anyone being able to scent their mate before that mate was of age?” I am hoping that there can be at least one solution to my current problems.

Before he can speak Brandon quickly enters the room. I signal Daphne to mind l**k him and explain what is going on while I concentrate on Theo’s answer. “I personally have never heard of it happening, but that does not mean that it has not. I will get a messenger to the elder council and see what, or any information I can get dug up.” Par usual Theo already had a plan in place.

“What if I am actually eighteen?” Hannah asks quietly. We all stare at her with questions in our eyes.


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