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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 73

Daphne’s Point of View

Shortly after we left Caleb’s office, we were informed that more visitors were arriving. I quickly grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen before once again joining my family on the front steps. While we patiently waited, I was lost in thought over everything that has happened. While I had been worried about saying something that would embarrass Caleb or the pack, I had never considered the possibility of our peculiar wolves being discovered. I had a newfound respect for Theo and Caleb for being able to hide them so effectively for so long.

I was also worried about Hannah. Could Axle really be her mate? If he is does that mean that she would be leaving to live with him? I was not prepared to lose yet another friend. Although I know that we would still see each other on occasion I was not prepared for her to live so far away. I also worried and wondered how that would work with her peculiar abilities as well. Would she eventually divulge the information to Axle, or would she choose to hide it?

These thoughts had me so preoccupied that I was not even paying attention to the three vehicles that were pulling into the drive, at least not until Luna Lola’s voice broke through my daze.

“Luna Daphne, I have missed you so much. Oh, you look gorgeous.” She quickly ran up the steps and enveloped me in a huge hug. Luna Lola and I had met previously at the Mabon Ball. I was used to her fiery spirit, and natural loudness. She was a bubbly, passionate person, and I liked her very much.

I glanced over to Caleb who was welcoming Alpha Marcus. I knew that they were close friends, and I was happy to see them here. It took me a moment to realize that there were other people pouring out of the vehicles behind them.

“Luna Lola it is so good to see you. Who are the people you have brought with you?” I can not contain my curiosity.

“Well actually that is a conversation I need to have with you Alpha Caleb.” I was surprised that it was Alpha Marcus answering my question. Caleb looks at him questioning what is going on.

Out of the second vehicle I watched two younger guys and one female exit. In the third vehicle there was another girl, and in the backseat, there were two young children. “What is going on?” When no one started talking I decided to flat out ask.

“Perhaps we should go into the kitchen?” Alpha Marcus stated. “It has been a mild trip, but I am sure the little ones are hungry.” He is practically pleading with Caleb. I have no idea what is going on, but whatever it is both Marcus and Lola are stressed. Caleb nodded in agreeance with his request.

“Brandon get a few other warriors to give you a hand. We may need to open a few more rooms in the house. Make sure that everyone’s stuff is put into adjoining rooms please.” Brandon shakes his head in acceptance to Caleb’s words, as we all file into the house. Theo was a gentleman holding the door, as Scarlett and I went ahead to start pulling out some snacks, as well as tea and juices. We quickly got the younger kids, and teenagers situated at the main table with a vegetable snack tray, with cheese and fruit as well. Then us adults gathered around the kitchen bar.

“So, did you two adopt some pups or what? None of those kids looks to be of age so I doubt that you have brought warriors with you.” Caleb does not mince any words.

“Caleb you and I have had an alliance for many years. I consider you not only an ally but a good friend. You, me and Theo have raised some hell in our day.” Marcus takes a deep breath, and I watch Lola gently rub his back for comfort. “I need a vow from you that what I am about to tell you stays right here within our circle. Hannah, I apologize but I am going to have to ask you to join the other teenagers at the table.” Hannah pouts but complies with his request.

“I vow to you that you have our silence, as well as our loyalty.” Caleb reassures Marcus.

“About a month ago we were having some issues with rogues. They kept attacking our south border. It was not that big of a deal, my warriors handled it quickly.” Marcus shrugs his shoulder to show that it really did not affect him. “I truly did not think anything about it, other than it was an annoyance. Then there was a night that they tried penetrating both my southern border, as well as the eastern border. My temper flared and I sent my hunters out to eliminate the rogue cell.” Marcus’s breathing has changed, and he keeps glancing at Lola who is silently reassuring him. “Up until this point I had no reason to suspect that this would be anything other than a normal raid, and elimination of a rogue cell unit. Unfortunately, my hunters came back and told me that they could not find the cell, which as you know I have some of the best trackers known to our world.” Caleb shakes his head in agreeance with Marcus. “For about a week everything was quiet, then they attacks started happening again. This time I decided to head out with my hunters, and my trackers.” Marcus again looks to Lola for reassurance. “I finally located them about seven miles off my southern border.”

“What does this have to do with the children you brought with you though?” Scarlett asks curiously.

“I am getting there, but it is important for you to know everything.” Marcus calmly explains. “When I came across the cell, I wanted to confirm that it was the one attacking our borders. This rogue cell was bigger than what I normally encounter, and there were some really strange things going on.”

“What kind of strange things?” This time it was Theo being impatient.

“Again, I am getting to that. For one I found them entirely by accident. They had no scent, as in none.” Marcus carefully looks at each of us as we silent register this information. “The next thing that I found strange was that there were a lot of younger wolves. The straw that really shook me though is the twins in there.” He quickly gestured toward the dining area, and his voice drops an octave. “When I first arrived, the twins were literal babies, like young infants. When we made our presence known they grew into toddlers that could magically walk.” Marcus whispers the last part.

“Was there a witch amongst the rogue cell?” Theo is seeking a scientific explanation of everything.


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