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The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon) novel Chapter 15

Brandon’s Pov

Chapter 15

I sat on my bed next to her watching her sleep like a baby, tired from the agony I had inflicted on her.

I thought she was tough; all I wanted to do was remind her that she needed to fight for her birthright, and I figured that forcing her to watch her dumb husband happy and enjoying what was not his would give her the determination and will that she needed, but I was mistaken.

I deserved to be a class A jerk, so I moved aside a little, turned on my tablet, and went on to watch her foolish ex-husband being blackmailed with sex in order to put his mother in a m*ntal facility. Maybe the idiot wasn’t as clever as I had supposed, and taking him out would be a piece of cake.

I had instructed my man to install high-tech cameras in his and his father’s homes. Josh frequented those two locations, according to the information he gathered. The third place was his office which proved to be the most challenging.

Every morning, the idiot swept the place for bugs, and the building was extremely secure, making it difficult for me to send in my man. I needed an inside man, or perhaps buying the contracted security firm was the only and last option.

I needed eyes into their lives, I needed to know what they had for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. When they went to the toilet, when they f*rted. Who they trusted, who they hated, who they were cheating with, everything on my fingertips.

From my observation in the little hours I had been watching them, Victor Nelson, his father, was, in my opinion, the man in charge and never did the difficult lifting. He delegated the heavy lifting to his son, who appeared to be nothing more than a bag boy for his father and fiancee.

I had no idea how he managed to con Thalia, but all of his maneuvers were most likely pre-planned. by his father. Or maybe he had the brains, but Jessica Mel was definitely his weakness.

observations during the 1

Jessica Mel on the other hand was a show-off, based on my her full hair to nail polish would be valued at ten thousand dollars. She had a high taste, that was evident and was solely in the relationship for financial gain.

I knew her type because I had been in bed with them numerous times. She appeared to be in charge. of him and had Josh in the palms of her hands.

She was all over the place during the party flaunting her flat chest and plasma backside for all to see. To be honest, she wasn’t my type; I preferred a lady with a full chest and a little flesh behind just like the best friend lying next to me.

“Ooh hold up.” I told myself. I was certainly not referring to Thalia as my type, she was too dumb. I meant between the two ladies Jessica was ugly.

I turned to counter-check on her but found her staring at me with her wide brown eyes. She had a serious expression on her face as if she was preparing to kill me. I waved with a phony smile, but she only stared at me, prompting me to say something.

“Oool, you awake?” I inquired but got no response. Then I realized her gaze was not fixed on me but the iPad I was watching, which had Josh and Jessica f**king live. I swiftly flipped it over.

She yelled, “Turn it back on!” but I tossed the iPad on the other side.

She pulled herself slowly in a seating position and realized she wasn’t dressed in her previous


She turned to face me after a stunning look at herself. I quickly pulled out my phone and scrolled to a photo, which I then presented to her. She was perplexed as she glanced at the snapshot.

“That’s Maggie,” I said, raising my hands in the air as if I were being pulled over by the cops, “I paid

her to bathe you and change you, I swear I didn’t see anything”

She locked her gaze on a photograph of herself in bed with Magie standing beside her. “So you paid a stranger to bathe me?” she screamed on top of her voice.

“I would have bathed you but I didn’t have the energy,” I said, causing her to become enraged and throw a pillow at me. “I wasn’t implying that I wanted you to bathe me,” she replied.

“Don’t worry, I fired Magie once she bathed you,” I said as I took a seat and asked her to calm down. before she collapsed again.

“You needed my eyes to open the main gate, I stated, pointing to the right door. “That door would. have led you straight outside.” I stated.


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