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The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon) novel Chapter 33

Jessica’s Pov

I’m not sure how many hours passed, but a gentle pat on the back jolted me awake. I turned around, my eyelids tired, to discover Victor holding two mugs of coffee.

I cleared my throat and asked, “Can you tell me what time it is?” I turned to face Josh, who was still unconscious on the bed, sleeping. He looked like he was just taking a nap.

“It’s 1 a.m, we have to go back to the hotel. I can come back and look after him,” he offered.

I responded, “I’m not going anywhere without Josh,” and turned away. I wasn’t in the mood for a debate. Deep inside, there were a lot of what-ifs: what if we traveled to Hawaii, what if I didn’t insist on skiing, what if we just slept the whole morning away. What if…what if…what if…what if…what if…what if, kept ringing.

He said.”Here’s your coffee?”

“I did not ask for any coffee?” I replied, turning to face him. I responded with a shrug and a sidelong glance. I knew he was just trying to be nice, and that he was more affected than I was by Josh’s situation.

It was his son who was resting on the bed, a son he expected to give him grandchildren one day. Then it dawned on me: The heirs of the company? Josh was so set on wanting children that we discussed it even before we married.

Heirs to take over his company? he needed heirs. He put his life on hold, even went to the extent of marrying his enemy’s daughter for the purpose of taking over the company but it turned out that he was not going to have anybody to pass the company to.

It was all in vein, his sacrifices were all in vein.

I was about to burst out laughing, but I immediately swallowed my words and bolted from the room, surprising Victor. I continued to run through the hospital corridors like a madwoman.

Victor pursued me, yelling at me to halt, but I continued running all the way to the elevator. I punched the button, but the elevator was a long way up.

Out of frustration, I began punching the elevator till I felt strong hands gripping my shoulders.

As I dropped into his arms and wept out, he roared at me, “Stop it, Jessica! You’re only hurting yourself!”

I was punishing myself inwardly, knowing that if I had agreed to start trying for a kid sooner, all of my birth control would have been flushed out and I would be pregnant.

But, because I was a selfish sl*t, I insisted on having children at my leisure. I didn’t think we needed to rush because we had time, and I thought he was imposing his agenda and company’s focus on me.

He had gotten his company, and it was time to relax and enjoy the wealth without having to worry about the little brats keeping us awake at night.

That was my interpretation; we had all the time in the world, so why were we expected to hurry?

I also had my way with putting his mother in a care home, I even told him during the celebratory party that I was ready to have a child with him which was a lie.

I knew my body was and still was full of contraceptives, but it was the only way to get his mother out of my new house before she even entered. All of the deception, selfishness, had been for nothing.

I knelt as I sobbed, I could hear other people walking by, most likely staring and laughing at us, but we ignored them and stayed still. Wallowing in our sorrows.

Victor stated, “We have to be strong, we have to be strong for Josh. The most important thing is that he is still alive,” he stated.

“But how are we going to tell him that he will never be able to father a child?” I asked, tears streaming down my face. “How? Do you know how important it was for him to have children?”

Victor answered, “I know how much it meant to him, and I know how devastated he will be. To tell you the truth, I’m not sure what I’ll say to him when he wakes up.” He said, “I don’t want to be the one to tell him the worst news of his life”

Victor was as lost as I was, we were domed, and no amount of money or plotting would be enough to bring us out of the unexpected black hole that we found ourselves in. Money was always the solution.

We always dealt with every problem with our money and influence but it was a different kind of problem that we were facing.

Victor assisted me in getting up and escorted me back to Josh’s room. We walked to the room in silence and sat in silence and just stared at Josh, who seemed peacefully, unaware of the hell that awaited him on the other side.

We were both napping before we realized it, and the only thing that jolted us awake was the door opening as the doctor brought in a detective.

We both stood up and greeted the two. We sat down, hoping for some good news. Hoping, we were hoping for good news. Hope was the only word that I could relate to.

The detective cleared his throat and apologized for everything that we were going through like he had caused it or something.

“Save your apologies; they will not improve my husband’s situation!” With so much venom in my mouth, I spat it out.

Victor interrupted, saying, “Jessica, please cut the man some slack, he means well.”

I cried, “Are his apologies going to give us answers that we want? because I demand d*mn answers of what occurred!”

I screamed. The room fell silent and somehow it felt like there was a big fire in the center of the room.

I turned to the investigator and asked if he knew something I didn’t know of or if there was a breakthrough in the case.


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