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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 1

Please, baby. Help me change Daddy's heart.

I march towards my husband's office on the top floor of Steele Corp Building, carrying a present in my hand. It's our third anniversary and I thought I'd give my husband a surprise. I just came back from the OBGYN. I placed my ultrasound photos inside a small box and wrapped it with a ribbon.

"Excuse me, Miss Carlisle. You need an appointment to see the CEO," Tara, my husband's secretary, blocks the entrance to my husband's office. "Or do you want me to call your supervisor?"

She raises a haughty brow at me, acting like she's above me.

Well, I suppose she is above me. She is the CEO's executive secretary, sitting in the office at the top floor, while I'm just a graphic designer with a cubicle on the third floor.

I have been married to Steele Corp's CEO, Kayden Steele, for three fucking years. But sadly, no one in the office knows about it.

"Umm..." I force a smile on my face. "Mr. Steele called my extension and personally asked me to bring the present that arrived for him." I motion at the box in my hands.

"A present? From whom?"

"His wife, maybe," I reply nonchalantly.

Tara smirks. "You know he's still single!" See? Not even his secretary has a clue. "Although, I wonder if it's from that woman he asked to be picked up at the airport."

"What?" Now, it's my turn to be surprised. "What woman?"

Tara raises a skeptical brow at me again. "That information is none of your business," she replies. Then she turns to open the door to Kayden's office. "The graphic artist is here to see you, Sir?"

"Let her in," I hear Kayden say.

As I walk past Tara, I can't help smiling at her smugly. If she only knew what I'm carrying in my hands right now.

This gift, this wonderful news, is going to bring my husband closer to me.

This baby will change everything!

I close the door behind me, and with wobbly legs and a big smile of anticipation on my face, I walk towards Kayden.

He looks up from the papers on his desk as he watches me intensely. I almost lost my nerve as I remembered how devilishly handsome he was, with his midnight black hair, and blue-gray eyes. We've been married for three years, but he still takes my breath away.

"Kayden," I call, my voice almost squeaking. "I have... some news for you."

"Before you say anything, I have something to say to you, too," he says in a voice laced with ice. When he speaks so coldly to me like that, I wonder if he's the same man who makes hot love to me at night.

"Oh, okay. What do you want to tell me?" I ask.

He stands up from his seat. I cannot read the expression on his face as he stares back at me in silence.

"Kayden, what is it?"

He sighs heavily before turning away from me, as if he can't bear to look at me when he says what he needs to say.

"You see, when I was young, I vowed to marry someone," he mumbles. "But unfortunately, I couldn't because..." he trails off, heaving another sigh. "But now, she's back in town. And I don't think I can do this anymore, Cassie."

Wait, what did he mean by that?


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