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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 


“Stay away from my son!” I hear 

r Ethan shout at Kayden. 

feel touched or I rush to the room and find Kayden holding Kai in his arms. The sight confuses me. I am not sure if I will fe scared. Touched because it was the first time I saw someone hug Kai like he was his son. Scared because I knew it would be harder to convince Kayden now that Kai wasn’t his, 

“Son?” Kayden stares back at Ethan with a confused expression on his face. 

“Son?” Kai’s eyes widen in disbelief. 

Damn it! Things are escalating fast. Kai may be a genius, but emotionally, he’s still too young for this drama. 

“Lyn, please take Kai away from here.” 

As Lyn leads Kai out of the room. Kai looks up at me with a bewildered expression. 

“I don’t understand, Mommy,” he says. His eyes are teary. 

“Shh, it’s okay, sweetie,” I soothe Kai, trying to keep a straight face in front of him. “We’ll talk about this later. Right now, you go play your favorite game with Lyn, okay?” I offer him a weak smile. 

As Lyn and Kai disappear down the hallway, I turn back to face Hayden and Ethan, who are locked in a tense standoff. 

“What do you mean, son?” Kayden demands, staring furiously at Ethan. 

Ethan takes a step forward, his eyes never leaving Kayden’s. “Exactly what I said,” he replies firmly. “Kai is my son.” 

“The hell he is! He looks nothing like you!” 

“He takes after my mother’s side of the family! Well, what do you care? What gives you the right to barge into our lives and claim your stake at my girlfriend and my son?” 

“Girlfriend?” Kayden raises a questioning brow at me. 

My heart pounds in my chest as I try to find the right words to explain this mess. Kayden’s eyes bore into mine, searching for any hint of truth or deception. Ethan stands tall, his fists clenched at his sides. The tension in the room is suffocating, threatening to ignite into a full-blown conflict at any moment. 

“Yes, she is my girlfriend! We’ve been seeing each other on and off since I found her after the fire,” Ethan answers for me. “Oh, wait! Remember that fire? Wasn’t Megan your girlfriend? The woman you chose over Cassic? The one who burned down Cassie’s childhood home? Do you even know what that house meant to Cassie, huh?” 

“Wha…” Kayden starts to say something but then he trails off. He looks at me with a confused expression on his face. Ethan was right. Kayden didn’t know what that house meant to me. And when it got burned down to the ground, I also felt like 1 Jost a huge part of my bond with my mother. 

“That’s right, you prick!” Ethan mutters. “I have loved Cassie since our younger years. And I’ve been there for her since you broke her heart. I was biding my time until she is ready to trust again, after an asshole like you tried to break her spirit. And 

those times when she was trying to get over you, a miracle happened to both of us. We had Kai.” 



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15:45 Fri, May 17 000 

Chapter 29 

Kayden’s face twists in confusion and anger as he listens to what Ethan is saying. Tears roll down my cheeks, I know that Ethan is trying to make Kayden believe these things because he wants Kayden to stay away, but many of the things that he says are actually true. And those things open up past wounds that I thought were long forgotten. 

“I don’t bel 

believe you” Kayden says. “I want to have a DNA test) I want proof that you, bastard, are not Kai’s father?” 

“It’s a little too late for that, moron!” Ethan shoves his phone into Kayden’s hand, showing him something on the screen. 

(show him?” 

Shit! What did Ethan just s 

Kayden’s face pales, and his eyes widen in disbelief. 

“See? Is this proof enough that I AM Kai’s father?” 

It must be a DNA test that says that Ethan and Kai are a match. Damn it! How come Ethan has that handy already? He just discussed that with me!. 

Did he already plan this before today? 

As the weight of the revelation settles in, tears well up in Kaydens eyes too. The remorse and sorrow he feels are palpable as he turns his gaze towards me. 

And as I gaze into his eyes, I am reminded of the times that I cried myself to sleep because of Kayden, because of his neglect, his hatred and the countless times he made me feel that I am nothing but the girl he was forced to marry. 

In a way, he deserves this pain. He doesn’t deserve Kai or me. 

But then a part of me breaks for him, too. There was a time in my life that I would give anything just to have him care this much about me. 

“I demand a second test, Kayden repeats. 

I shake my head. “No!” I protest. “Kai may be smart, but he doesn’t deserve this. I can’t let him be caught up in our drama. He’s too young for that!” 

“But I got to know, Cassie!” Kayden says.. 

“What’s there to know?” Ethan asks angrily. “The truth is already right before your eyes! Or are you too dumb to see it? like before with Cassie! She was just right before your eyes, and yet, you were too blind to see her. You treated her like shit, man! You do not deserve a do over!” 

“And what right do you have to say that to me?” Kayden bites back. “You don’t get to decide this for Cassie!” 

“I will! Because I have been there for her when you abandoned her! I have been there to pick up the pieces and held her together, when you were having the time of your life with Megan! Why did you have to come back, huh? Why the sudden interest in her? You made no attempt to contact her for four years, and now, suddenly, you are here and want her back? And speaking of Megan, is she even aware that you are here? Claiming another man’s child as your own?” 

Kayden glares at Ethan, as if his words sting him like a thousand needles. 

“Are you sure I’m claiming another man’s son as my own? Or maybe it’s you, who is desperately inserting yourself in MY family!” 

Ethan shorts. “Your family? You really are a delusional piece of shit! You don’t deserve Cassie and Kai! I will die first before you can have either of them!” 



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15:45 Fri, May 17 000 

Chapter 29 

Without warning. Kayden lunges forward, his body trembling with rage as he slams his fist into Ethan’s face. Time seems to slow down as Ethan stumbles backward, touching his jaw in shock and pain. 

I realize how fragile our situation is, and things are escalating quickly. Kai is in the other room, and I don’t want him to witness these two arrogant men fighting in our hotel room. 

My heart races as the violence unfolds before my eyes.. 

“You bastard! Surgery or not, I will make sure to teach you a lesson!” Ethan roars. 

As Ethan goes for Kayden, I act on instinct, throwing myself between them. 

“Stop it, you two!” I scream. “You should be ashamed of yourselves! What are you? A bunch of teenagers?” 

Ethan and Kayden continue to stare at each other furiously. 

“He started it!” Ethan points a finger at Kayden. 

“And you were asking for it!” Kayden roars back at Ethan. 

“Stop it!” I hiss at them. Then I turn to Ethan You know he just got out of surgery! You could seriously hurt him!” And I turn to Kaytlen. “And you! Can you even imagine how worried I was when you collapsed in the living room? You just surgery. You shouldn’t even be here!” 

Ethan snorts. “Yeah! Go back to the hospital, Steele! And stay out of our lives!” 


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